Civilian [Before he was turned into a machine]

Name: Argus Foster
Age: 25
Height: 6'2''
Weight: 190
Theme:Heart of Courage
Argus, a soldier with a less than desirable disposition, a lot of his comrades consider him lucky, but he was forced to give up his humanity. He was working an operation in Kuwait when he was badly injured by an incendiary grenade, 80% of his body was badly damaged, and everything about his body was completely destroyed, almost everything except for his head. He didn't have family, no lovers, no friends, so that made him the perfect one to test with. His head was immediately frozen and about fifty years later, his head was thawed out and attached to a synthetic body with artificial organs, but he was still in a coma, and they froze him again. Another half century or so later, they thawed him out and found a permanent solution...They encased his body in a suit that boosted his main body's machine strength as an exo-skeleton if you will. The suit of armor is attached to his brain-stem boosting his reflexes far greater than that of a human. Nobody's seen his face since..