After year 2552, Earth has come into contact with many other species of sentient lifeforms throughout the universe, this is a basic trading point, recruitment center for mercenaries, and a place of fortune...That is if you're willing to get your hands messy. PMC's [private military companies] from all the different worlds come here to recruit mercenaries to help fight in the anti-matter wars, it is a time much like that of the gold rush, however in space, anti-matter is plentiful compared to that of the supply that we have here on Earth. And during 2441, Albert Einstein was cloned and he was the first one to theorize the possibilities of an anti-matter bomb...It destroyed a comet that was half the size of Jupiter. If there was power like that wouldn't you want it? Yes of course you want it.
Not only that, there is a group of highly trained, augmented, and well-supplied mercenaries for the private military company named Helios, which plans on harvesting massive quantities of this anti-matter to go threaten other species into paying homage to humans. You could be one of the mercenaries hired by one of the more..Humane PMC's to stop Helios, or you could be a member of Helios itself and harvest the world's bounty yourself.
Since your world is now so technologically advanced, it is now possible to travel to any other planet in the solar system along with two planets, that of which belong to the Alpha Centari system. Solace 223 [codenamed sierra 223 by mercenaries] and Jacinto 516 [Juliet 516]. Solace is home to a...tribe if you will, of aliens who still retain their primitive pack-like ways, despite their technological advancements.
The Solacians typically look like muscular humans with teal hair and blood red eyes. The Jacitonians look like the reverse, red hair and teal eyes [they tend to pass through Earth's orbital defense border by looking like humans]. Both planets seem to have breathable environments towards humans and are often quite hospitable. The environments are much like Earth, minus the global warming.
Designated rpc for setting: John Wells