Name: Cameron Ainsley
Age: 21
Race: Culinaromancer
Orientation: Straight [Yes male cooks can be straight too -_-]
Ever since Cameron was a kid, he would enjoy looking over his father's shoulder as he cooked, and then one day his father gave him a book that's been passed through his family of chefs for generations and generations. The book contained recipes and whatnot, but the spine of the book was falling apart, he found a weird language on the inside of the spine..Eventually he did a little bit of research and he decoded it's meaning, and he read it aloud to himself and his culinary skills seemed to better themselves and then one day when he was making a fillet of pan seared salmon, he found that he could manipulate food. Ever since then he's been trying to get on some reality show involving cooking where he could probably make it big and make his father proud.