Name: Neil Watson [Not his real name]
Occupation: Mage
Race: Demi-God, Son of Helios
Age: Unknown
Theme: 8D
Once upon a time ago, a maiden's village was enveloped by the night, she prayed and prayed until the sun god, Helios answered her call, banishing the dark for eternity..Well only in that certain part of the world, however, Helios ended up falling in love with that maiden, and they eventually had a child, Neil, although that isn't his real name, nobody knows how old he really is or what his real name is. He seems to have forgotten his own name as well, he wants nothing but to just get on in life in solitude..Occasionally he'd help the villagers with their problems that require his...Expertise in the arcane. He is a very quiet person who rarely ever associates himself with anybody unless he absolutely has to.
He carries around a weapon that his father had left him at birth called the Sun Ray. However he hasn't seen him since.