Name:John Wells
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
Age: 26
Orientation: Straight
Height: 6'3''
Weight: 150 [235 with armor]
Theme: Battle theme
Civilian theme
Weapons preferences: Colt m1911 with hollowpoint [Yes I know those are illegal in warfare, but he's a mercenary so it doesn't apply biggrin ], an FN-SCAR-H, chambering the 7.62x51mm HEIAP round, which is armor piercing and incendiary, and he keeps an KA-BAR knife over his left shoulder with the hilt facing down...IF he ever runs out of ammunition. He has a sentimental attachment to all these weapons, and he WILL fight you to get them back if they get taken away.
Quiet and reserved, John usually keeps to himself unless it's for operational purposes. He works for the Humane Private Military Company and is usually very obedient. He usually tends to avoid conflict if it isn't necessary, however if somebody throws the first punch, he won't hesitate to break somebody's neck. If you could somehow get him to open up and tell you a little about himself, then he'd be a very happy person instead of the unresponsive warmachine that he usually is. He has a tattoo next to a vein on his neck that say 'cut here' and another on his back that consists of a knife through a skull, the insignia on his body that shows that he is a member of the special forces for Humane PMC. He is highly trained in wing chun and krav maga, he'll kick your a** without a weapon if he has to. His left shoulder pad has the numbers S-259 on it, signifying that he is a member of the 259th special division.