I was shook by an urge that felt like no other the only thing that seemed to come to my mind was..Josh. "No, no , no! he is dead dammit I saw it..Connor killed him he isn't still alive!" Heat rippled through my body as I instantly felt warmth. My eyes were growing crimson even though I wore the irratable contact lense which burned my eyes. That smell..that taste..was Josh. I threw off my blanket from my make shift bed and stood up I looked at Connor,Lexie and Victor all sleeping softly. Slight grunts of Victor sleeping contendly in his dreams as a stench of burnt out firewood lingered through the camp. I stood up and steadied my footing as I heard a a voice which I knew only to well I begun to sliently run towards it. Realising that im running after a person's voice I've known truly to be dead I saw his body it just had to be him I would never hear this voice again, I tried to stop my feet from running but I just kept on going with the forest pelting behind me in soft flashes of green and dampened brown. It was his voice I carried on following it without looking back.
My body suddenly shut down into a trance like state as I arrived at a small enclosed area covered with trees leaning against each other and blocking out the light of the moon as the branches curled over to top into a dome shape. Just then heard his voice again and I saw him or was it his ghost? He had is back to me looking out with his alert eyes and perfectly alive with his dusty fair brown hair rippling in the wind licking at his face as he turned to see me. I froze and spoke in a tiny voice straining to get my words out "J...Josh..is that you..?" he looked at me for a second and then suddenly remembered. "Hannah!..you shouldn't of known im alive.." My voice shook "You were going to think that..I would register you for dead..never" then the truth struck me "You can't be Josh he is dead..what am I talking about.. why did you not tell me that you were alive..connor killed you" my mind traced back to his cold body laid on the floor fading into an unwanted memory I didn't want to see him like that in so much pain..calling out my name and all I could do was walk away..damn me to hell! "y..your dead!"I suddenly yelled out. "Ahh..at least you were supposed to think that, I transformed myself into a copy I don't know how I did it but I did, when you were trying to protect me that was my copy. I was orginally stood behind the tree watching the whole time trying to save you, the angel wanted you to think I was evil..wanted you to think I was the one who betrayed you but I didn't. The angel just wanted you to remain a weak human swayed by a broken heart he wanted this..because your more powerful than he is your a threat to him yet you don't know it."
"W..What.." my eyes flew around the forest trying to make sense of the whole thing, once I put all the peices together my legs gave way underneathe me as fell to my knees but Josh suddenly caught me. He looked into my eyes "Hannah listen to me my father isn't that evil hunter..that man is far from a hunter than I am, he is a very powerful demon, he changed people to whatever he chooses you could be a mouse one second say..or a vampire the next from an illussionary bite. "An..Illusion..?" a touched the bite mark on the back of my neck..no that was real I could feel it and I suddenly poked my two pointy fangs they were not an illusion I bit Josh..or at least I bit his..copy perhaps that was why he was so willing.
"Hannah..none of your little vampire friends cared to show you this" he brushed my hair away from my shoulder and pulled out a mirror to an angle at which you could see where the bite should of been..but all that was their was an inscribed 'H'. I felt my neck "So the speed was my own..the sight..and the precision was my own also.." I traced my fingers around the 'H' mark and suddenly growled "Hiatou..he can take any shape or form.." the memories flashed back as I saw my self writhing from the pain at which I thought I was bitten with blood moving down my neck and feeling parlaysed again. "I remembered I blacked out..I never really knew what was going on..Hiatou.. is this..this..illusionary demon your talking about, the one that tried to trick me with a curse.. supposedly took place of your father.." my body tensed as Josh slowly nodded his head.."Hiatou was the one who put an Illusionary curse on you..Hannah Alex isn't real he is just an Illusion made by Hiatou so he can minipulate you with your dreams trying to get you to come to him. Why do you think Connor and the others won't let you stray far? they know you are at risk..they are also under the Illusion too and are seeking revenge.. they dispise Hiatou.. this Illusion is not simple..its a very painful and very real Illusion the only way it will go is if Hiatou is killed. They all share the same mark but on different places of your body. What do you think drawed Victor toward you to save you? It was the same mark that summoned him to release his arrow."
"Connor stopped me from trying to remember my memories..my dreams..is that because he didn't want me to remember Hiatou? because I'd be full of hate and revenge..?" my mind started to trail off with painful memories "Hiatou made me want to think I had a friend..when I knew all along I didn't have any--" Josh suddenly stopped me with a gentle kiss "I know it's alot to take in...but..im here" I lost my voice and nuzzled closely to him pained by so many memories.
Lady Raine -I- · Tue Oct 06, 2009 @ 11:32pm · 0 Comments |