Part 3 2/3: My eyes flashed alert as I suddenly felt weary in Josh's arms. The wind blew around us and my heart raced from the cold I pulled away from Josh as he stood quietly being my resting post. I mumbled and then decifered a few words "Haitou..tried to kill me..he tried to kill all of us in hope that he would minipulate us further into death..well he's wrong, he won't back down, but we will wipe this illusion away". I turned and walked onwards knowing Josh would follow with the soft crunch of leaves beneathe our feet. I walked for what seemed like an endless time demention paused for enternity with that of no linger of fear..or hope just nothingness.
Me and Josh got back to the camp everyone was still sleeping; all except Connor who saw Josh and then he froze. I sat down on a fallen log as Josh sat beside me and I nuzzled into him. "Connor..I know about Haitou..I want to help you guys..destroy him.." Horror filled Connor's eyes " dont understand everything.." I looked up at him snuggled in Josh's arms "Josh told me..I understand..these illusions need to stop.." "We've been trying to work that out since you joined us Hannah.." Lexi rubbed her eyes and shivered lightly as she wrapped a small shawl over her shoulders and sat down on the log gracing us with her presence. Victor was awake too as he stumbled up and made a fire for us, he made a perfectly built fire enough to keep us warm for at least a few hours. The fire flickered and crackled as the heat kissed our faces and licked upon them. Our cheeks all flushed, I nuzzled deeper into Josh not sure what to say..but so glad that he was back. Josh spoke "We need to go to his current location.." his voice muted off in thought. Lexi intervined "To do that we need to know the location" her perfect brows furrowed in thought as her dark hair fell over her shoulders. "We need to ask around, agreed Victor?" Victor nodded his head briefly in thought as Lexi's eyes lit up and sparkled from the now ashen flames.
Lady Raine -I- · Wed Oct 07, 2009 @ 12:13am · 0 Comments |