-Name: Hannah -Gender: Female -Height: 5"9 -Eye color: Hazel -Hair Color: Red and Black -Age: 16 -Birthday: 9th of February -Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: Right -Piercings: four (in ears). -Tatoos: none -Zodiac Sign: Aquarius -Ring Size: no ideaa -Grade: [college]
More about you:
-Are you named after anyone? No -Where do you live at the moment? England ;] -Do you consider yourself tolerent to others? sure -Do you have any secrets? nope -Do you hate yourself? Yup -Do you like your handwriting? Sometimes -Do you have any bad habits? doesn't everyone? -If you were another person, would you be friends with you? i guess lol -Any regrets? Of course -Do you think life has been good so far? Yeah ^-^ -Are you confident? Nope. -How long does it take you to shower? 15 mins -What color is your room? Crimson -Where do you want to attend college? Already attend.
Do you...?
-Smoke? No -Do drugs? No -Drink? only on occasions -Go to church? used to -Sleep with stuffed animals? yup -Take walks in the rain? Yes -Talk to people even if you hate them? lol yeah. -Drive? not old enough yet D: -Want to get married? Yes -Want to go to college? Im already in college -Want to have children? yes -Sing in the shower? lol maybe. -Get along with you parents? Yeah..sometimes not always then again who does -Get along with your sibling/s? Don't have any. -Color/highlight your hair? Yeah -Like coffee? ewwwww NO. -Wear makeup everytime you go out? sometimes not all the time though. -Like to cook? no
Have you ever...?
-Hurt yourself? maybe.. -Been out of the country? yes -Been in love? yes of course <333 -Done drugs? Heell No -Gone skinny dipping? No o-o -Had surgery? I don't think so o.0 if operations count then yes. -Played strip poker? No -Been on stage? Yeah -Pulled an all nighter? Yup most times. -Gone one day without food? yeah I don't eat much anyways. -Slept all day? Haha once when I was sick -Kissed a stranger? No that would be weird o.O' -Had a dream that came true? Yes. -Broken the law? no -Stolen anything? yeah; when I was younger -Been on radio/tv? Yeah ;D -Been in a mosh-pit? Nu I wanna tho D: -Bungee jumped? fwak nu owo' -Had a dream that kept coming back? yeah damn creepy *shivers*... -Gone out of state? o.o...... -Eaten an entire box of oreos? No but I LOVE them 8D=- -Had a movie marathon? Yeah girly nites in or times with my dad :] -Spun until you were immensely dizzy? you betcha =D -Been on a plane? yep -Ran into a wall? o_o not that I recall..? xD -Been rejected by a crush? yes -Cried in public? No, I never cry in front of people -Cried over a movie? maybe okay guilty xD Titanic ;~; -Pranked called someone? Yes ;] -Gotten a cavity? No o.o -Broken a bone? LOL hmm where do I start okay, broken my right arm, 4 ribs and my left ankle xD -Fallen from a tree? kinda o.0; -Passed out? Yup -Been to a theme park? Yesss :3 -Eaten sushi? eww nu I dunt like fish o30
This or That:
-Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi -McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King :3 -Chocolate or Vanilla: VANiiLLAA -Black or White: Black all the way ;] -Burgers or Hot dogs: Hot dogs -Boxers or breifs: BOXERS! ;] xDD -Book or magazine: Book -TV or radio: T.V. -is the glass half empty or half full: Half full ;] -sun or moon: Moon -hot or cold: Cold -romantic comedy or thriller: romantic comedy -waffles or pancakes: Pancakes I dont remember ever having waffles o.o -Florida or california: Uhh..Cali? -Black and white or color photos: Colour. -The city, the beach, OR the country:The beach!! ^w^ -Tennis shoes or sandals: Tennis Shoes -Sweet or sour: sweet -Private or public school: Public -Cappuccino or coffee: Ughh..neither. -English or history: English -Science or math: Science although I hate both.
Do you believe ...?
-in miracles? Yes -in magic? no -in God? hmmm..not really then again im not sure -in Satan? could be real? -in ghosts? yes -in luck? karma=yes to a certain extent -in love at first sight? Yes ;] <33 -in Santa? o-o omfg Santa biggrin << >> Nooopee xD -in the Easter Bunny? wait you mean itz not real! ;~; xP -in witches? kinda my momz sorta wiccan as am I ;D -that it's possible to remain faithful forever? Yes if you love someone that much then you'd do anything for them or anything not to hurt them. -in wishing on shooting stars? I've done that before and it came true so yes x3 -that cussing is a necessity in life? lmao maybe xD -yourself? no ._.
Love and all that:
-Do you consider love a mistake? never. -If someone you had no interest in had interest in dating you how would you react? break it to them gently -Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them? yes -What is worst about the opposite sex? they try to cover their emotions and can't understand how much we care about them don't bottle it up! Dx -Who and when was your first crush? Matthew and about 9 months to about a year I dunt remember ._.' -First thing you notice about the opposite sex? their personality
Right this moment...
-What are you wearing? short top and a skirt. -What are you worried about? Errgghh work placement and college assignments. -What book are you reading? Ghost Hunter by Michelle Paver. -What time is it? 2.30 am. -Are you bored? Yeah which is why im doing this ^^" -Are you tired? nope which is why im awake o - o -Are you talking to anyone online or on the phone? no -Are you lonely or content? content but kinda lonely cuz I miss Josh ;~; -Are you listening to music, if so then what? nothing strangely just the silence of the night o.o *thinking that was too deep* >.>'
The Last...
-Dream you had: About Josh. -Nightmare: To terrible to relive. -Time you cried: About 3 hours ago -Movie you watched: Finding nemo xD -Movie you rented: Twilight -Book you read: The Last Concubine or The Gargoyle -Word you said: "uhhnn...Hi Toby" -Time you laughed: this afternoon -Person to call you: Sara -CD you played: Westlife to get rid of my headache xD -Song you listened to: The man who won't be moved- the script -annoyance: Toby. -IM sent or recieved: about 30 minutes ago -Time you yelled: Yesterday -Person you yelled at: my mom -time you wore a skirt?: Now lol. -time you fought with your parents: Yesterrdayy -Time you wished on a shooting star: about 4 months ago -Thing you ate: well chocolate or tablets xP -Nail polish color worn: Black
Your favorite:
-Type of gum: Idk -Restaurant: uhhh..italian :3 -Season: Summer -Type of weather: Sunny but not too hot -Emotion: Laughing -Color: Dark red or Black -Perfume: sweet sixteen -Candy: I don't eat candyy -Pizza topping: cheese and mushrooms -Fruit: Strawberries -Veggie: Asparagus -Type of cake: sponge cake but I don't like cake alot -Magazine: Stuff to do with either music or animals -TV Show: Hollyoaks -Day of the week: Friday -Month: February -Holiday: Christmas -Number: 9 -Sport to watch: gymnastics -Flower: roses
Lady Raine -I- · Sat Oct 31, 2009 @ 03:44am · 0 Comments |