~A story - Blood moon~ -Part One- I sit nesteled in the under growth unknown to the world of such curiosity. My Blood red eyes skim slowly past the dark chilling forest, as a distant wolf howls under the blood moon. The breeze picks up and billows around me, I try to move but suddenly fall flat out again on my stomach, as I stumble helplessly scraping at the soil beneath me. I wonder what kind of creature, in any shape or form would do this he just appeared from over those tree's, there you see them i know you do don't deny it because i can tell that your lying. I guess this is the gift i have been blessed with, to read peoples minds and have a sudden urging passion for blood which before i had no apparent idea about. But as i close my eyes i see a sudden face as white as snow streak across it in a simple flash and then i hear my pericing cry and i black out. I tremble unable to control my urge for blood, this is not like me someone..some..stranger did this. He changed who i was with out no concent from me but that didn't matter to him, ..he got what he wanted as i slowly touched the bite mark burning on my neck and gazed at my unknown reflection in the lake. Subtle as a clear bell pericing my ears i heard shrilling whispers echoing through my thoughts and my entire mind. I have no family..no friends i just sit totally alone but the whispers subsided it, suddenly i see a small baby deer very much tempting my urge for blood this small creature was greatly unaware of my intentions. I crawl silently onto the balls of my feet and my eyes peirce a deeper crimson. I begin to shift akwardly but silently to my prey. I stood up and my speed was pheunominal the pace,the accuracy i had this creature at my mercy as i carefully devoured what i had been searching for. Even though i hated to do this i knew this was the only way my pain or urge for blood will seise to exist so i took hold of the creatures neck and plunged my fangs into him as i drank i began to feel more alive than ever and the urge drifted away but i heard footsteps coming closer. My kind..no wait they were my kind now i am definately far from human i have to accept this as being my birth as a blood thirsty newborn vampire. I heard the calls echo out i quickly leaped into a tree hidden and undisguised and as foolish as i was i left my prey with the teeth marks easily readable on display as the humans look around with horror and anguish as they realised this was no cause of any natural death.
((continuing michael im adding you in here and of course lexii i will add u :])) My footing that I had for balance on the tree soon decided to betray me, I quickly got back into place and knelt as still as possible without a sound. The humans looked up but to their dismay they didn't see me, they dragged away the deer's corpse to inspect it and to work out the case of my bitemarks. I heard a rustling sound from the deep green bushes which were close by then I saw a man..no wait I saw a boy more or less in the ages of fifteen to seventeen it was hard to tell. He had a slim well built musclar figure with eyes at which even the most focused vampire could lose themselves in. They were a brilliant blue, his complexion was slightly tanned but mainly brushed over pale. His hair the colour of darkness touseled and swept over his eyes he only wore jet black jeans from where I could see he was definately bear chested showing off his figure..I guessed and then something which didn't seem right.. but definately not human either as his wings swept out from his black curling and stretching out it looked almost like he was admiring them himself. Then instantly he looked straight up at me I tried to hide myself in the shadows of the trees, but with my snow coloured skin I failed miserably.."Dammit" I muttered to myself and tried to hide further away. He grinned at me "No use I can still see you." I leapt down from the tree lightly onto my feet and landed as elegantly as I could..or as a vampire could.. My eyes met his they were as a newborn vampires eyes should be..a terrible blood red, I knew I had to focus and tone down my emotions because if a human saw me like this..naturally pale skinned and blood red/crimson eyes they would sure to find out something about me. He grinned once again "Here take these" he handed me what looked like bluey green contact lenses..a disguise I thought to cover my eyes..kind of a smart idea but still I hesitated unsure of the stranger. He smirked at me "Come on I dont bite..much" he grinned once more. Then I took them and gently placed them to my eyes as I felt a strange burning sensation that my new eyes do not like to be covered up in flimsy plastic. My sight which was extremely well defined now only slightly blured to more of a human vision. Then back into my mind again I heard hushed whispers and quick flighting thoughts I looked at the boy like creature..no creature is too much of an ugly word because he looked amazing more like an..angel, yes an angel..I will use that word. I connected my thoughts, trying to pattern them together then I stared at him with my now bluey green eyes as I muttered a whisper but loud enough for him to hear "I can hear your thoughts.." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ((Connor and Lexi added into this section part 3)) The hushed whispers sounded like "Death..souls..death..souls...gather the souls.." I looked at this..angel who's thoughts were now beginning to frighten me as he tried to look up at me with the most sincerest of eyes yet I could not be fooled. I darted away from this..angel and tried to grasp my bearings in this unusally thick and empty forest..defining to the empty part I bumped into another vampire..only he was a little younger than me but he was twice as skilled as I was. Plenty more experience in vampirism than me. "Ey what do ya think you're doing, watch where ya going" he snarled at me as I recoiled but started to use my age to my own advantage. I stood a little taller than him as I stood straight composing myself, being not so afraid. "Im sorry, I didn't look where I was going, but you see im running away from someone.." He didn't seem to take much notice that I was running away from anyone and just breifly nodded lightly as he accepted my apology and sat down comfortably as he raised a knife from his pocket, I stood in terror. He aimed it right at me but to my surprise the knife flew only a little away from my head and onto a direct target behind me. "Geez ya plan to stand in front of my targets, that's okay I guess I have a good enough aim to avoid you..just" he smirked then laughed softly. I tried to smile and compose myself and turned behind me to see a big target nailed to a tree. I stood away from the target this time.I sat down and observed him more carefully he had thick blonde hair brushed over his blue eyes and also like the angel whom I had seen before had a well built figure and seemed fully trained to fight on the spot. "So what's your name?" I inquired him. "Names Connor an yours?" I started to stutter "I..I..I don't remember my name..I lost my memories when I was bitten.." I looked down at the floor my cheeks flushing lightly and I was pepared for him to laugh at me, but he didn't instead we both became distracted by some light footsteps carefully creeping up to us near by. A female vampire this time stepped towards us and swiftly sat down next to Connor and looked at me with curious purple eyes and jet black hair..those looks could kill any human guy..she looked up at me smiling brightly she was dressed in both black and laced clothing a very gothic look stood out about her and a holdster with a small black gun in her pocket..also an assiain. She spoke clearly "My names Lexi it's nice to meet you" she smiled once more then another kind of footsteps started lurking up to us not light swift steps like Lexi’s…but thick pounding footsteps full of intensity and I sensed anger we all turned our heads in anguish..
----------------------------------------**NEW**---------------------------------------------------------- As I suspected it was the angel...he had followed me, worse than that he could smell me. He ambled towards me both Connor and Lexi were looking slightly weary of him, as Lexi counted how many seconds it would take to grab her holster which held her gun. I started to tremble as he walked gaining closer to me all I could do was freeze still like ice except I couldn’t be melted. The closer the angel got the louder the whispers became in my head, I started to yell out loud “Stop the voices, just stop it!” both Connor and Lexi looked at me like I was some crazy psycho but the angel just grinned at me and vanished. I still remained rooted to the spot unable to move. Lexi looked at Connor with slight concern however I wasn’t bothered by how I felt it was just the voices…that seemed to have put me into a trance as I heard the whispers becoming more harsher when the angel stepped closer the whispers became urgent but completely aloof to me. I felt a sudden warm flow of blood into my body and a sudden tingling sensation which brought me back from my trance I had only just realised that my eyes were closed, I opened them and saw Lexi hugging me I was rather shocked my her sudden kindness towards me…just a blood lust vampire somehow I actually felt better my her embrace she pulled away and smiled at me and said exactly what I wanted to hear “Don’t worry it’s all going to be okay just trust us” she smiled at Connor as he sighed and rolled his eyes and looked away. “Whatever lets just get outta this place” he stood up straight from the tree he had been leaning on and Lexi bounced to my side smiling so warmly I didn’t even think a smile like that would be possible with out a flame about to burn.
Connor started to walk, I hesitated.. I must have had a family…or something in my other (human life) but I just couldn’t remember any of it not one detail but yet I felt a yearning sensation or an old memory…to stay where I was. If I left this forest then I wouldn’t work out who I was. My old identity, yet if I stayed there, there could be a chance that that I would find my killer...and welcomer to immortality that thought made me cringe not only just my killer but what would I do if the angel came back? How would I know if I could trust him or not? But Connor and Lexi…they seemed so friendly well connor seemed a little distant and at times had frightened me but still could I trust to people I had only just met? The answer was I had nothing to lose I had to trust someone and well…if I just got hurt? Ohh screw it. I took a few steps closer to them joining them on the slightly uneven forest floor which was muddy and covered in stones that scattered and jutted out violently. Connor started to shout “Oi ya gonna move any faster than that or are we gonna get to Demiouri next year?” I stuttered stupidly, “D..D..Demiouri?” He sighed getting tired of me I guessed. “Aye just hurry it up wont ya”. I scowled at him and he scowled back as I quickened my pace faster than him.
-Part Two- This is serious I have some crazy angel after me for no exact reason. After the long trek through the forest struggling to catch up with Lexi and Connor, my urge for blood suddenly increased as I stopped dead in my own tracks. Connor and Lexi didn’t notice my missed presence as they carried on walking and talking to one another about where we were going and what our new found plan would be next. A man froze and my blood urge surged to my head and dilated my pupils to small black silts glistening in an ocean of red. He stared in horror as he saw my eyes and yelled “v…vampire!” I gasped and turned to run but he blocked his sword which was loosely hanging to it’s hilt by his narrow waist. My eyes froze into his I tried to fight the urge and tried to beg to him with my eyes at the same time. He lashed out his sword as I knelt down and readied my fate even though I was a vampire I was going to be badly hurt and wouldn’t heal for days which would mean slowing Lexi and Connor down and threatening us all to be cut to pieces and burned to rid us forever. As I shut my eyes tighter screaming inside my head no…please no! I heard a rustle from the bushes and a loud metal clang of swords crash together fighting of blows. I uncovered my eyes and in amazement a boy just a little younger than me parried off the mans blows so swiftly with his sword, he made it look almost easy…and hardly tiring at all. The clashes of swords rang through my ears almost painfully. Then I saw the boy gaining his blows on the man quicker and more accurate as I watched the man tumble to the floor I yelled at the boy to stop. “Stop please that’s en..” The man on floor dragged me with my neck backwards trying to strangle me I realed helplessly about trying to gasp for breath and at that instant the boy pin pointed the angle and sliced off the mans head. I shuddered and recoiled back and shaking but I mustered the strength to thank the boy. “Thank you so much..I..I thought he would stop..” “Don’t mention it you need protecting may I be your bodyguard?” his question took me a little off guard “you….want to be my body guard?” “Yeah not a problem is it?” he titled his head back coolly, as I stuttered stupidly “n..no it’s fine…thank you, you can be my bodyguard if you wish what’s your name?” “Alright sweet and my name is Victor” he grinned. “Okay cool” I walked with Victor and found Connor and Lexi looking for me with angry look on their faces. Connor yelled at me “Where the hell did you go?” “oh chill out” I grinned at him as he looked away and I hugged him tightly and laughed “Don’t be so uptight” he growled “Im not, don’t run off” “sorry I didn’t I could smell blood so I got attracted then a man tried to kill me but Victor here saved me he is my bodyguard now so if I get lost don’t worry about it he’ll be with me”
“uh okay” Connor yawned and said “come on lets get you to a school”.. “Wait, what...school!?! your younger than me! Why do I have to go to school!?” Lexi grinned “Its part of the process we had to once, you go to a human school to get accustomed to the smell of blood to make it less tempting for you” “No…no, wouldn’t it make it worse!?” I yelled not wanting to hurt any human once being human before I know how vulnerable they can be.
I was at the black gates standing tall, my feet rooted down to the grass. I lost the fight as usual I had to do this…to overcome my ‘lust of blood’ or so they said. I gritted my teeth full of resentment knowing somewhere Victor would be close by I traced my eyes across the lawns looking for him but to my dismay I saw no one. “Dammit” I muttered under my breath...play it cool sure there he was…Connor standing as cool as anything not caring that my lust of blood was actually getting worse he grinned and disappeared. I looked around some more and saw a teenage boy around my own age sat down under a tree and started playing a few chords on his guitar simply and easily, I watched entranced then quickly turned around to place my contact lenses into my eyes so that they would appear a ‘normal’ bluey green colour. I turned back around only to notice him looking at me he too had similar eye colour I lost myself for a second cursing myself for being so careless. I sat down next to him but kept my distance the blood was…too much to bear the delicious smell. I shook my head and placed my hand out in front of him “Nice to meet you” I smiled as politely as I could “Hi you too, what’s your name?” oh no not this question. I needed a name dammit I tried making one up in my head “R...ena my names Rena and yours?”he smiled at me and for no reason my cheeks flushed “nice name my names Josh”. I looked around and sighed he looked at my questioningly “Hate school huh?” he rested his head back against the tree and looked at me he was so cute “Uh..yeah just a little” I grinned.
The first school week was different this was a boarding school so twenty four hours under the eyes of teachers and no escape until I can prove to my vampire friends that I can handle it. No problem what is going to be so hard about this? But I made a friend already some reason I had a strange connection to Josh, and I felt a lot less lonely with him being around…although I had to fight stronger with my free will no blood will be shed and I will never hurt my friends I pulled myself together and settled down in the art class compromising on how I should draw this certain person it had to look abnormal…a vampire maybe? But is that too risky? People are hardly going to say your drawing a vampire therefore you are one are they.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- With that the bell sounded and I heard a voice behind me “Hannah --!“ It was Josh all my emotions flooded into me at once I stopped him with a kiss his lips were soft and his eyes were gentle he kissed me back. My eyes suddenly turned red with the scent of his breath and the blood he could provide I closed my eyes in terror it had been one month and I never lusted for blood not once…at least not until now.
I turned away I had too with me being so close to his neck it was fatal I would never hurt him and I wouldn’t risk it either. I ran as fast as I could out into the grounds. He shouted and ran after me I tried to out run him but I failed, so I slumped down next to a tree and closed my eyes as tight as they would allow. Josh knelt down beside me and kissed me softly allowing my eyes to open and look deep into his eyes so he could see what colour they were...yes they are red. He stepped back shocked and watched my eyes almost in terror and in confusion. “What..how..why didn’t you say anything?” my eyes were cast down “I..well what was I supposed to say I love you but by the way im a vampire? Gah smart plan” “Y..you love me?I love you too” with that I couldn’t control myself any longer and placed my lips close to his neck yet he did not move in fact he held me close. I licked his neck softly and then pierced fangs gently into his neck and drunk carefully and slowly then pulled away. He looked at me and smiled softly “It’s alright..it didn’t feel so bad” I clenched my fists by my side I had bitten a human..he wouldn’t turn into a vampire as I was not a pure blood so he would have to go through no painful procedure, but I had broken the rule I can’t pretend I didn’t.
Two voices caught me off guard it was Connor and Victor “Dammit you did it” Connor growled at me “you betrayed us!” I looked down at the floor “im so sorry” “No question move it now get out of here and follow us” he continued to growl and glare. I shuffled my feet under his glare and pulled back “No..I love him that’s the reason I chose him I love him!” Lexi flitted to my side and looked symaptehtic “I know leave the guys be there just angry but you have to come with us you might bite someone else and then what? The secret will be out and we shall be burned” she hugged me tightly and whispered in my ear “restrain from it you are strong enough to do so” I gritted my teeth and I couldn’t look at him I couldn’t leave him, “no way” I stepped back closer to Josh. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Josh's hand reached out to me and I took it without hesitation and stood my ground. "I wont leave him." Trust stupid Connor to growl at me "Your coming with us." I yelled "God dammit im not." I got pulled away by both Connor and Victor I didnt give up my fight it killed me leave him. My unnatrual cold vampire hand slipped away from his hand warm and full of life. My eyes cast down I couldn't look at him tears were building up in my eyes way too fast to control myself. I started shaking walking slowly away with the others Lexi at the side of me and Connor and Victor behind me...there was no way to escape. Screw it I yelled in my head I was crumbling down to my knees sobbing but reality all I did was walk woodenly away. If I looked back I would only hurt him more I coudn't bare hurt him, his pain was also mine too I felt compeletey connected to him. The trees swayed there cold breeze upon me as a leaf danced in the wind. All I could do was think of him to mention the name..might cause me even more pain but I didn't care. "Josh..I love you...I love you...I love you, what the hell am I doing leaving you". I stumbled twice upon my own feet slowing them all down terribly. His blood was inside my veins, the one I love the one who I dared to hurt by biting him no doubt someone would find the bite marks on his neck and then what?
I looked to find that we were back in the damned forest again. I walked away from the others and continued on my way down to a small stream to look at my reflection. I was disgusted to see those eyes which were my own blood red eyes staring back at me. I recoiled in horror at what I had become a vampire, who has to run away, runaway so she won't get butchered and burned by the towns people. The earlier accident with the deer caused the news to spread like wild fire and through the surrounding villages. Traces of bite marks which were mine had been alerted to almost everyone they only had to match them up with Josh's and they might accuse him of being a vampire..with the bite marks..no they could kill him. I jumped to my feet and ran straight back, everyone was asleep so I could easily sneak away I took that to my own advantage and ran as fast as I could. I didn't look back I knew I had to go back there but not on my own I wouldn't.
To my surprise Josh was knelt down on the grass with his hands covering his eyes no doubt he was crying, and the last coming events he didn't move from the spot where I left him. For four hours he had been like this just sat here crying... It killed me to see him like this tears rolled down my face and I walked up to him quietly so he wouldn't notice and fell down on my knees next to him. He jumped and looked up with his most cutest but tear stained face, all he could do was look at me and not move. I moved my arm towards him and held him close to me and begun to cry with him. The others would soon wake up and notice me gone well at least there was a chance of that not a definate. I wanted...at that moment I wanted to be with him forever. But just then a hushed whisper sounded in my ear "Nice too see you again Hannah.." I froze, "Hannah was my name...So I did remember it after"--he cut me off, a pair of tanned but over brushed pale hands swept across my neck tightly as I gasped one thing I knew they were not Josh's..
-------------------------------------------------------------------- -Part Three-
"Aaa..ckk!" I couldn't hold my breath much longer, just before I was about to surrender the hands let me go and dragged me up onto my feet. "Hannah quit..it, quit playing around with humans!" I got my balance back and stood up on my own with slight hand marks still burning on my neck. He hissed at me I knew who it was, the angel he found me again after all, I was careless but at that point I didn't think, Josh could have been in danger that's all I could take into my head, least he's okay now. Before I knew it the angel pushed something against my lips and I felt the vile go down my throat thrashing my head back to stop whatever it was from doing down I attempted not to swallow. The angel laughed "Geez..you do hate me after all, well you can't hold on much longer you have to swallow it". He was right just how long could I hold on for? "Ugghh.." I fell to my knees not much longer Josh ran over to me and caught me, then I did it I swallowed the vile and collapsed down unconcious although I could hear Josh's voice yelling at the angel and cursing. He held my head up making it easier for me to breathe and then started saying my real name "Hannah..Hannah HANNAH WAKE UP!!". The poor thing started shaking I wanted to yell no Josh its alright but I couldn't I was still unconcious..what have I done to you Josh..im a blood sucking monster!!.. I was aware of the surroundings and the voices around me Josh yelling my name and the angel muttering some words under his breath. I opened my eyes why couldn't I smell blood like always..? W..what was that I felt warm..no longer cold. The angel looked at me in Josh's arms "It's to help you out with this you can turn normal again you know human only you have no more than four hours a day to be human." My cheeks flushed and my eyes dilated and turned my natural colour hazel. I carefully stored away my contact lenses I might need them at some point but not for now. The school bell sounded "Shi-- we need to get Josh out of here fast!" Josh looked at the new me "Hannah..are you--" I cut off him off by kissing him hard on the mouth and he kissed me back then I pulled back a little breathless. "Josh, im still me I promise I just look a little different..a little more normal I guess..but we can't waste time talking we have to get you out of here" I kissed him again even though we didn't have much time. Kissing him being human..certainly felt much better and less colder, he kissed me again softly. Then we ran to the gates as the sun was about to come up I carefully stole the vile away in my pocket and ran quickly towards the edge of the forest hoping no one noticed yet..at the moment I wasn't a vampire..there definately will be a few questions to be asked. We ambeled through the forest and I nearly tripped twice considering my clumsyness had come back with my human abilities. "Hannah..are you okay? why don't we wait a few hours till you turn back into a vampire again they won't notice then..?" He had a smart plan "Okay sure." I sat down on a tree branch..then I heard a voice I had heard before a husky hunters voice.."Oh god..Josh!..get down and hide bite on your neck whatever you do, do NOT let them see it!" "Ok" a shiver ran down my spine and Josh hid his bite mark with his hair and edged back against a tree I take a small step forward.. "Ahhh..the vampire..only with a little more colour left in her cheeks, you blood sucking monster be gone!" my voice faultered "I..Im not a blood sucking monster I dont know what your talking about!" he grinned at me "That was an impressive deer sweetheart". To my horror I saw a torch burning with fire he wasn't a hunter..well maybe he was but not for deers..he was a vampire hunter. "Oh god.." I changed back into a vampire as the vile started to wear off and watched my blood red eyes peirce into my enemy and started to throw all hope away. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Connor suddenly lunged in front me blocking the enemy as he fell to his feet. Dazed for a split second whilst I could focus I noticed something the look in Connor's eyes had changed and he was looking at Josh and growled low to me "Hannah..he's one of them get back!" I looked at my love "n..no!" my eyes were striken was he the one who had betrayed me it wasn't the angel who was bad he was warning me away from Josh I stepped back confused. Josh gave me a hard cold stare nothing like I had ever seen before and with that Connor had begun to let the aura take over in his hands burning him but he ignored it. I gritted my teeth I hated to see it happen I should of closed my eyes at that moment..but I couldn't I knew he was going to kill Josh. I didn't stop him he betrayed us all the whole vampire race he was no human he was a hunter too and the man who had now recovered was his father a hunter too he followed his trate. Connor gained more power from his demon aruging with him in his head he used a few hand signs which made Josh fall back he landed hard down onto the ground a line of blood falling down from his cheek and with that a flash of light as the demon took over Connor had him Josh's life at his mercy. By that time I had closed my eyes horrified as I saw the life slip away from them his body motionless. Connor changed back digging his hands further into his pockets for the burning to resume less painful and muttered "sorry hannah I had to he betrayed us" I looked around and then nodded weakly then stood tall "I..I know..it was for the best.."
We turned back to the forest and sat ourselves down a flash of light suddenly hit my jolted memory. I was some where and it made sense...I was human then, my memories were coming back. --------------------------------------------------- The sun blazed down upon me as I lay stretched out on the grass back then without a worry in the world innocent and as pure as snow this was my past so listen well and let me tell you my story. The day I met this boy the wind felt different the smells around me all seemed new and none recognisable they seemed to be masked, in a world where Connor,Victor,Josh and Lexi didn't exist..
My attention drew to the wretched stone work on the faded patterned floor worn away by so many careless footsteps. My gaze was still lingering as if in a trance but a soft and sly voice awoke me from my trance like state. “Hey you there, your pretty cute” he grinned at me I didn’t mind the term cute back then I took it as a compliment I was cute and innocent. I altered my gaze from the floor and clutched a book that was in my hand, no I wasn’t going to hit him with it I was a shy person back then. I looked up and saw the most sincerest bluey grey eyes I have ever seen.
“Th...hank you” I stuttered back then pathetically. It shames me to tell you so. He sat down directly in front of me his eyes looked hooded as he sat and his blonde hair swept over his eyes. “I think im in love with you” he grinned. I was rather taken back from what he had said I had only met him and simply he knew nothing about me, how can you love someone you don’t even know? Of course it shocks you as it shocked me too back then it puzzled me. But all I did since I didn’t have the courage to speak out was to simply blush politely. He knelt closer to me and swept the hair away from my eyes and my heart lurched. “My name is Alex, I know you don’t love me yet but you will realise one thing sooner or later anyway how old are you?” his eyes seemed to glint a darker colour as I sat mesmerised by them. “I’m sixteen, may I ask how old you are?” he smiled openly. “Sure, I'm seventeen what kind of music are you into?” Back then I was never a true music fan I always stumbled over listening to boy bands or robust love songs my safest option was to pretend I didn’t really have a clue.
“I don’t know...” my voice shook a little. His face turned light hearted as he looked down at my book that I clutched ever so tightly “I don’t really read much but I do write songs and listen to some hiphop”. I suddenly forgot my shyness “Writing songs is cool” I said almost a little too enthusiastically but I meant it. He thrust a disk out at me “Listen to this it’s cool I like it so I think you will”. I took the disk with my hands shaking but he was polite enough not to have pointed out that minor detail. He bowed politely and yes you heard that right he did bow even though it is quiet old fashioned to do so in a way he was different like that. “Oh and silly me I forgot to ask you for your name” I looked up at him “Oh...my name is Hannah” he repeated it after me as if savouring the moment “Hannah...it’s a nice name, well Hannah I must be off but hopefully god shall command us to meet again” as he bowed once more with his hair falling over his eyes he turned his heel and left. I turned the disk over in my hands that he had given to me .
I jolted awake and more alert than ever I twisted around in my make shift bed which was putting strain on my back and saw Connor, Victor and Lexi both sleeping soundly. Whispers suddenly hushed around me “How could you forget your best friend Hannah?” a devious but gentle and vicious voice at the same time. I screamed “Alex!” so the human me did have friends very much of a friend. Connor stumbled aimlessly around trying to place his feet evenly after he woke rubbing his eyes “Hannah wha...?” I turned and saw him “Connor the Angel he...” I looked and saw that the Angel had vanished and Connor’s temper blared “The Angel!? Where is that brute?” “ Now calm down Connor” I eased him “He showed me one of my memories as a human..” “What why did he do that don’t you know a vampire’s past as a human is forgotten and shouldn’t be remembered for certain reasons Hannah, now you will go chasing after Alex and getting not only yourself in trouble but him too, if ya care about him that much then think it through” I nodded already trying to think of idea’s how I could check if Alex was alright. Then I saw Victor wake up and sit next to me holding onto his sword even though he had no reason to all three of us just stared at the licking flames of the fire I created with Lexi's slient mumbling in the background as she slept.
Lady Raine -I- · Tue Oct 06, 2009 @ 11:30pm · 0 Comments |