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My Random posting
I like to read and write and will probably be posting up stories here
Now that I actually have time, I will tell you all the full version of my trumatizing experiance.

At work the day was slow and a bit on the boring side.....Earlyer (around 3-4 pm) I had gone to lunch and having to walk up that mountin/hill after eating is a bit of a hassel. I finally made it to the top and I was going back in to work at my station but on the way through the exit I saw my Lead for the day (supervisor sort to say) and he asked me to go take a key back to operations office gonk <---was my first thought cause that ment going down the hill and back up again, right after eating (and I still had 10 min. in my lunch crying before they sent me to take the key). After coming back up that damn hill I was sent back to work. No problem.....or so I thought, around 5:30 I began to feel a bit sick thanks to the exercising I did right after eating.
By that time the Lead who sent me to take the key had left and there was another guy incharge and he put me at panal were I could sit and not have to do much work (Hugs to Austin). I was starting to feel better 'cause my job at panal doesn't requires a lot out of me all I have to do is sit, dispatch trains , watch as they leave and comes back, check the exit for people, check the lines for people sitting on the hand rails/ running/ cutting in line...so forth.
While there I first noticed a couple in the first row because the woman's boyfriend was sitting on the hand railings; I asked him to step down and he did, they borded the train, I watched it leave and when it came back I watched come in. I was about to turn my attention to the rest of the train because the harnesses sometimes won't go up when I heard "Why are you staring at us?" I turned around to see the women staring at me.
All I did was give her a questionative look and she cuntinued her rant on how I was suposidly staring at her and her boyfriend ever since they were in line. The whole time I was questioning why she was angry at me. She was already leaving when I heard her call me a "b***h", she actually called ME a b***h as she was leaving because it seemed to her that I was staring at her. She did this all in around 1 min.
After they left a friend who admited to thinking this womans boyfriend was cute and who was actually staring at him while this was happening told me that he said "That's my Babe"
I was just doing my job watching the lines and the trains as they came in and out. They were in the front, the very first row! If they were in the middle of the train in car #4 or something I would admit to staring at them, but they weren't. If anything I think she must have felt thretened by me or have very low selfconfidence. I'm not a pretty girl! and since I'm spitfull twords that crazy lady I'll tell you that I don't see how such a cute guy was going out with her.
I'll admit that never in my life (18 years and roughly 4 months) had anyone called me a b***h, or even insulted me in a mean way before. I'm not a mean person and I'm overall a nice person.

The moral of the story is:
People get butt hurt easily. Make fun and ignore these people for they will provide amusment for you.

That was a first for me, and hopefully the last.

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