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View User's Journal

My Random posting
I like to read and write and will probably be posting up stories here
Well, yesterday was fun, with out including the winning and bitching people (lets not bother to mention what they said to me).... My ride was down for most the time I was there so all I really had to do was say "Sorry but the ride' s closed, but it should be opened by later today." Lo and behold we were only opened for 1/2 an hour before it broke down again....something about one of the hoses for a pressure tank was leaking or something like that.

That's right! Aperently the Black Eyed Peas were there and I think they were going to perform, my friend got to see them since she was working at a different ride and they got on it. Truth is...I have no clue who they are and even if I had seen them I wouldn't have recognized them 3nodding

When I was leaving I saw some friends from school, no bigge there other then felling like a dork in my uniform sweatdrop

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