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View User's Journal

My Random posting
I like to read and write and will probably be posting up stories here
xd WHEEEE whee

I am in Mexico and trying to us a damn key board that does not have aposterfys and stuff....well it does have them, I just can not get them.

I left yesterday, i was out of my house by 7:30 am and did not get to my uncles house until....7-8 pm but by mexican time it was 9-10. Then after I went to bed, since I was tired and all, my parents com in at like 12 *US time* and start to talk like it was the middle of the day. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! I was trying to sleep! To top that all off, my lil sister wanted to still watch TV. In the end they did not shut up until 1 am.

It really pisses me off when people do not have consideration for others.....I fixed the good damn room up before trying to fall asleep.

Well, I came for a cousins wedding. It is actually tomarrow and I hope that it is not a cold that I feel creeping onto me. I would be so bummed! crying .

My head hurts so I am off.

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