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My Random posting
I like to read and write and will probably be posting up stories here
sad well, it's happened.....At around 6 pm wednesday night a freind got hit by a car and the a** hole just drove off. What's even worse is that I've been told she flew 20 ft. So that mother ******** was going fast. She was tooken to the emergency room and then was kept in I.C.U. for 2-3 days. gonk

heart Enough of the morbid stuff. I went to see her yesterday at the hospital. Other then a black eye and a scrap on her elbow, she's good. But al that was what I was told, I thought that she was in worse conditions but when I got there I saw her sitting in a chair watching cable T.V (she says that it's the first time she's been awake for long). I have no clue why they were keeping her in I.C.U. but then again she slept most of thursday (bucuse of pain killers for pain she said she diddn't have) and the night she was hit. Now she gets to miss a week or too from school.

cool There's other thing but of less inportance or details I cannot dissclose. eek

see you around!

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orange fellow
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Nov 14, 2005 @ 05:58pm
Wow.. that son of a b***h... i say we start a riet.. War *put on makeup* freedommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... ^^ jk..good thing she is better now ^^

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