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View User's Journal

My Random posting
I like to read and write and will probably be posting up stories here
Well, I'm finally back. After 3 months of not buying anything with my gold, when I finally do I can only afford around 3 things crying . I have no more gold for anything. Everything costs to much and since I can't be on as often it makes it harder for me to get the gold I need to buy objects. Maybe that's a good sign, that I can't be on often, but still all this overpricing is hurting.

Enough of that, work is fine....I'm taking Graphic Arts for ROP, it was going to be worth 10 credits but in the end it'll only be 7 1/2. I get to learn Photoshop, and I get to make T-Shirts! With all that I hope I can make stuff for the Anime Expo and put up a table with my Sis.

Well, that's it, drop by again!!!

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