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View User's Journal

My Random posting
I like to read and write and will probably be posting up stories here
pirate Finally! After around 2 weeks of work I have my day's off!!!! mrgreen
Let's see, things that have happen......well, on Friday in the morning (around 11 am) at work, I was walking back to my post after checking the harneses on the ride and before I got to my place the ride began to leave station. I didn't think much of it, all I thought was "That's weird?! I didn't push the button for the train to be able to leave" so after the train left I walked to the main panel and found out that not even the main panel had pressed their butoon to make the train go. So pretty much the train dispatched itself, I was hoping that it was a major failure in the system and that we would have to close the ride down until further notice, but to no such luck. everything ran smothly.
Later that day I was put on main panel ( xd They trust me with the lives of so many people! crying )..........That's about it, other then haveing to work every weekend of my summer/fall vacation

Well, see you again some other time in my boring rambeling of unimortance-ness

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