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The Physical State of My Humiliation
Hahahaha, well, here I am again!! LOL and I got another story update~!!

Some of you may be aware of the story that I am planning to write, but I'm stating it here anyway. xDD N-E-way, here is the story plot that I planned to write:

Kibum was watching an American movie on the Internet, and Heechul, who was in the living room doing nothing, heard the "annoying" language and he followed to noise to see what the commotion was. When he saw where it was coming from, he saw Kibum. Heechul thought the language was interesting and wanted to learn it, since Kibum was really good with English.

After that, they started to get real closer to each other day by day, and the only thing that can stand between them is the language tutoring itself and... Kangin??

LOL, Kangin came out of nowhere. xDD ROFL... That's funny. xDD I wonder what he's going to be in this story? But the only way to find out is to wait for the stooooory!!!

Yes, I know. I hate waiting too. xD

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