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The Physical State of My Humiliation
Free Hugs Part 1
"Thank you sir!" Heechul called out, waving to his waiter for the coffee shop he was in. Once he took two steps out the door, he got a call from his mate. "Hello?" "Oppa~ I need to talk to you about something.." "Sure! What do you need?" "I want to tell you something, but I just don't know how to put it..." "Are you breaking up with me?" "Gasp! How do you know?" Heechul shrugged, "I just have enough dating experience." "I'm really sorry, oppa. I really really am." "Yeah, I'll believe you when you tell me that in front of my face." then he hung up. Heechul couldn't believe it. Him and his mate have been dating ever since high school. And now it was over? He had to do something to keep him from depression. Don't, Heechul. Remember the last time someone dumped you...?


"Heechul! I need to tell you something!" a girl shouted out, waving her hand to Heechul to approach. "What is it?" Heechul stated ever so calmly. "We need a breakup." "What?" "Yeah... It just seems as if we aren't connecting, you know?" "Sure..." "I'm sorry. I gotta go now. See you tomorrow." "Yeah... sure..." Heechul said, looking down at the pale sidewalk, hearing his ex-mate's footsteps.

5 minutes later...

"So... what do you want me to do with this machete again?" Donghae asked. "Just kill me, please!" Heechul shouted. "No way, dude! I'll be arrested!" "Fine, give it to me then!" Heechul exclaimed. He grabbed the machete, and started pulling it towards his way, but Donghae was stronger... "Let it go!" "No! I'm not going to let you die this way!" Donghae said, pulling the machete away from Heechul. Finally, Heechul lost his power and let go, throwing Donghae back. Donghae sighed. "You can't just kill yourself over a girl. She's just one girl..."

Yes, Donghae. She's just ONE girl... he thought. Heechul was walking down the street of DongDaeMoon, filled with people, stores, and his personal favorite: Free hug signs. Free hugs is something that has helped mend him from his previous pain with his ex-mate #1, and it's going to help him again...

Hankyung has been standing outside for as long as he could, holding a sign in his arms reading, "Free hugs". So far, he has hugged 2 people an hour, and it's painful, very painful. Especially when he has to stand out in the burning heat for 6 hours straight, excluding mealtime. He suddenly saw someone with bright blonde hair, walking up towards him. Hankyung looked back, imagining it was someone else he was walking up to, but before he had the chance to look back, Heechul already wrapped his arms around him. "I had a horrible day today," he stated. "so I am in desperate need of a free hug." Hankyung, who looked rather calm and relaxed, wrapped his arms around the other. "You came to the right person. I was desperate for a hug too." They both couldn't help but feel rather warm and comfy, embracing each other with heart.

Hmmm... Never felt this way before the last time I got a free hug... Heechul thought.

To them, all of their surroundings were momentarily unimportant, like they were never here, outside on the street where anyone can see them. Instead, they felt as if they were in a room, alone, where nobody can disturb them and tell them how embarressing and awkward they look. None of that matters to them. Except when Heechul had to break it off...

"I'm sorry that took too long. I guess I just lost track of time." Heechul said, sighing and looking down towards the street. "No, it's fine! I think it was worth my while." Heechul nodded, forcing a smile to cross his face, then said, "Well, have a nice day." just when Heechul was about to leave, Hankyung gently grabbed Heechul's arm, then said, "Wait," Heechul looked back. "Would you mind if I... say... can have a contact number? I really don't want you to leave and not see you again." Heechul smiled gently, then said, "May I see your phone please?" @

TBC~ heart

Note: Okay, honestly, this story is not as long as it looks... *shrugs* I couldn't post ALL of the story here, now could I? ^^;; I wish I could though, but it'll probably ruin the suspence of the story... Well, speaking of it, I think Hanchul is a pretty cute couple, don't you think? Why not stare at them for a couple of minutes? *squeals*

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ZOMG!!!!! *dies*

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I think Heechul oppa looks uber pretty in here ^^

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*gasp* Shield any eyes under the age of 11!!!!

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Awww, mom! I don't want it to end!! *pout* Well, hopefully you can comment and make me feel a little better ^^ Back to the top of the list again!!!!!!! Oh wait, then that means I have to suffer through the loss of Hanchul over and over again... DARNIT!!!!

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Sep 09, 2008 @ 06:31am
I really like the opening.
I loved that part where they just paused and hugged for a long time.
The way you wrote it was just very descriptive and... beautiful. I think that is the right word. biggrin
Anyway, I love the pictures as well. xd
Can't wait to read the next part. whee

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