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The Physical State of My Humiliation
Stoooooooooory Updaaaaaate ^^
Okay! Got a Hanchul suggestion, so okay! I guess Hanchul's pretty good! ^^ Okay, so just in case you weren't hear to read the previous Story Update then here's the story but more updated! Lucky you!

Hankyung is a Free Hugger and he saw Heechul walking down with his friends. Heechul's friends told him to free hug Hankyung, and he did.
Hankyung and Heechul both felt so comfortable together, and they couldn't just let each other go, so they gave each other their phone number.

When Hankyung calls Heechul to meet him, that night was the day when they get closer to each other. And when they do, things happen...

Yeah, I guess that's a bit more specific, but I didn't wanna be too specific, because it'll ruin the fun of the story!!! Hehehehe ^^;; I will think of a title (which I think I did just now). Tee hee ^^; Until then, come back for part 1! Mwah! <3

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