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The Physical State of My Humiliation
Brought by Fate Part 3
The next day...

Yunho was walking down the hallway, then entered his first period class. He saw Yoochun eating his breakfast, which was cereal. Yunho looked at Yoochun, with a facial expression that read, "What in the world are you doing?". Yoochun took one bite of his cereal, and looked up at Yunho. "What?" Yunho asked, "You're eating breakfast in class?" Yoochun took another bite, and mumbled, "Yeah." Yunho shook his head, then took his seat in front of Yoochun. Yoochun, being the not-so-smart person he is, suddenly asked, "Didn't you say that you were going to stop talking to me?" Yunho ignored him when he heard the announcements turning on.

In the intercom, he heard the principal's voice, saying, "Goooooooood morning!!!! Today is Wednesday and here are your morning intercom announcements!

Yoochun rolled his eyes, then ate his last bite of cereal, before throwing it into his bag carelessly.

"Report cards are going out on the 5th, and be sure to plan a conference with your parents so they can meet with your teacher! We always want to support your parents' opinions and thoughts." there was some soft chuckling noises over in the intercom. "And if you have a best friend that you think is so nice, it's worth an award, why not have both? You and your friend can sign up to the 'Best Friend Contest' which is going to be held on the 19th. So be sure to make your sign ups quick before all the spaces are gone! Remember, you snooze you loose!"

Yoochun laughed out loud, then said to himself, "Do you know how OLD that statement is? Pfft, whatever." he yawned, then said, "Maybe I should earn some of the principal's energy. Then I'll never sleep in class ever!"

"Have a nice day, and be sure to listen to the teacher!" then there was a click on the intercom.

Yunho was reading a book, waiting for the teacher to come in the classroom and start class. Yoochun, on the other hand, walked to the back of the classroom to talk with some friends. Suddenly, a girl quickly walked into the classroom, and stood in front of Yunho. He looked up, and saw the girl smiling big. "Hi Yunho! What book are you reading? Is it good? I love you, bye!" then she ran happily to the doorway, when she ran into the teacher. "Oh, hi Mr. Lee! Just came in here for a couple seconds!" Then she skipped back out. The teacher made a face, and looked over towards Yunho, who was the only one on task. "Yunho, was that girl the---" Yunho didn't look up, but still answered, "Yeah. She was, again." The teacher shook his head, then stood behind his desk. He got his yardstick, then hit it against the chalkboard. Everyone jumped, except Yunho, and quickly ran back to their seats.

Junsu was in his class, doing his classwork. JaeJoong, who sits next to Junsu, was watching him work so hard. Whoa. I wish I could do that. JaeJoong thought.

Changmin watched JaeJoong from behind him, and saw him watching Junsu. Grrr... JaeJoong... Wait, why am I feeling this way? He's just a friend, right? He continued to see JaeJoong watching Junsu doing his work, then he finally gave up. He poked JaeJoong on the back, and waited for him to look back, which didn't take too long. "Hey, what are you doing?" Changmin whispered, trying to keep himself from getting in trouble from the teacher. JaeJoong shrugged, then whispered back, "I'm just seeing what Junsu's doing. Why? Is there something wrong with that?" Changmin twirled his fingers around, then answered, "No! There's absolutely NOTHING wrong!"

After a couple minutes later, Changmin thought about the announcements, stating the Best Friend Contest. Maybe I can get him to join with me, then our relationship'll get closer! He took out some paper, then wrote down, "Hey. Are you busy on the 19th?" then he tapped JaeJoong's back and gave him the paper. JaeJoong read it, and responded quickly. He passed it back to Changmin. It read, "No. Why?" Changmin wrote back, "Well, I was wondering if you can come with me to the Best Friend Contest..." then he passed it to JaeJoong. JaeJoong sighed, and wrote down, "Ummm... sure! I would love to! I thought you'd NEVER ask." then passed it to Changmin. Changmin read the statement, and smiled. "Thanks, JaeJoong." @

TBC~ heart

Note: Awwww~ Jaemin!!! Too cute~ And Junsu doesn't REALLY come out in this one though... ToT But he will come out a LOT later on~ Don't worry, Su fans ^^

P.S. I know it's hard to see Junsu as a nerd. Hopefully, this'll help:

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Tee heee ^^

User Comments: [2] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Aug 14, 2008 @ 05:08pm
Lol. That picture is so cute. But, he still doesn't look like a nerd. He looks like a smart cool guy. hehe.
And I really loved the JaeMin scene.

commentCommented on: Thu Aug 14, 2008 @ 10:21pm
haha soo cute i remember that picture was in the step by step parody the part with the "huh?" haha too funny but they got rid of the pardoy on youtube *sob*

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