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The Physical State of My Humiliation
Brought by Fate Part 2
"Have you ever thought ONCE just to change your ways?" Yunho asked Yoochun. "Nope. Don't want to change my ways. I like the way I am. And you should too, Yunho." Yunho sighed, then looked at his script. "I can't be like that bully anymore. Everyone's been hating me, and they've been looking down at me." Yoochun's eyes widened, then said, "I don't think that's possible, Yunho. You're like, the tallest kid in the school!" Yunho looked up at Yoochun, then said, "IT'S A FIGURE OF SPEECH!" then he looked back down at his script. "I just want some people to like me for who I used to be. Someone who was nice and kind and stuff..." Yoochun shrugged, then said, "Who cares what others think? All you need is yourself." Yunho shook his head, annoyed at the thought that Yoochun cared for nobody but himself. "Look, if you're going to be like this, then I have no choice but to leave you alone for a while." Yoochun exclaimed, "WHAT?!" Yunho gently laid the script onto the stage and jumped down, and sighed. "Yes, Yoochun. That's exactly what I'll do. And until you learn a lesson or two, I will continue to do so. Goodbye." Yunho took the script, and left the gym and a shocked Yoochun. Yoochun couldn't believe it. Normally, he's the one who was supposed to be in charge, but Yunho actually charged him down, and now he's gone. He never felt so empty before... Why am I feeling so cold?? He asked himself.

Junsu was walking down the hallway, hugging his books and heading for his locker. When Changmin and JaeJoong were going down another hallway, connected to the one Junsu's in, they saw him walking by himself. "Good. Now's your chance." Changmin whispered. JaeJoong looked over towards Changmin, then said, "Are you mad?! Do you think someone like that's going to talk to someone like me?" Changmin rolled his eyes, then pushed JaeJoong towards Junsu, then said, "Just do it. For your own friend's sake." JaeJoong had no choice, but to follow Changmin's lead (although he's the younger one) and talk with Junsu.

Junsu was opening his locker, after turning his combination, then he gently slid his book neatly into the locker. When he closed the locker door, he saw JaeJoong standing behind it. "Hey." Junsu looked at JaeJoong oddly, then looked around again, making sure he wasn't talking to someone else. "Wait, let me guess, you're talking to me, right?" JaeJoong nodded, then said, "You guessed correctly." Junsu rose a brow, then asked, "Are you Changmin's friend?" JaeJoong's eyes widened, then asked shockingly, "How did you know?" Junsu shrugged, then answered, "I met Changmin at the library today." JaeJoong nodded, then replied, "Oh. Cool kid, right?" Junsu nodded happily, "Uh huh! He's an awesome person." JaeJoong nodded once more, then said, "You're nice. Consider us friends." JaeJoong lended out a hand for Junsu to shake. Junsu looked down at the hand as if it was a rare artifact, then shook it. "Done." JaeJoong nodded, then said, "See ya." "Bye."

Changmin, who was watching secretly, he whispered a happy, "YES!" then met JaeJoong approaching him. "So, you guys friends?" JaeJoong nodded, "Yeah. He's pretty cool." Changmin glared, then said, "Don't act cool EVER again." JaeJoong's eyes turned innocent, then said, "Sorry." Changmin laughed and gave JaeJoong a hug. "Good."

Yunho was sitting in class, but he wasn't paying attention to the teacher. He was thinking about what he told Yoochun at the gym last period. I can't believe I just said that to him. Did I actually mean it? he thought. He looked back at Yoochun, who sits behind him, and saw him sleeping. This isn't the first time he snoozed in class. He does it everyday, practically. Yunho sighed, then looked back down at his desk. Was it a mistake? Naw. It can't be. After all, he deserved it, right?

The teacher, on the other hand, was watching Yoochun sleeping, and Yunho not paying attention. He wasn't too surprised. So, instead of bring them both in front of the classroom and punish them in front of the whole class, he decided to do the next best thing: blow a bullhorn. After all, it'll wake up all the other students, right? He quietly stopped his teaching, and dug into his desk cabinet, searching for his bullhorn. He quietly picked it up, without showing it to the class, and pushed the buzzer behind the desk. Obviously, everyone woke up. Yunho lifted his head, immediately after the sound rang in his ears. Yoochun woke up, shocked, then fell to the floor. Everyone laughed. Yunho looked back down at the desk, feeling guilty that he couldn't stop the class from laughing at his love. He-he-he deserved it, right?

JaeJoong, Changmin, and Junsu were all in study hall. They all were digging their noses into a book, except JaeJoong. He hated reading. He never liked it, and he never will. JaeJoong looked around, seeing if there was anything he could do, then he saw Junsu reading a brown book. JaeJoong quietly took out some notebook paper, and clicked his red pen. He wrote down, "Hey, Junsu. Whatcha up to?". He folded it up, then threw it at Junsu. He looked up, and saw the note sitting next to him. He looked at JaeJoong, gesturing him to read it, and he did. Junsu sighed, then took out his pen and wrote down, "What are you doing? Can't you see we can get in trouble for this?" then he gently slid it to JaeJoong. JaeJoong clicked his tongue, ashamed that Junsu has no guts, then he opened the note. He rolled his eyes, then wrote back, "Look, you need to toughen up. These teachers'll do nothing to ya. Okay? I've been doing this for a loooong time with Changmin, and we never got caught!" he folded it up messily and threw it back at Junsu. Surprisingly, it ended up hitting Junsu on the head, making most of the witnesses laugh. Junsu rubbed his head, and made a, "What was that for?" face towards JaeJoong

JaeJoong shrugged innocently, and mouthed, "Sorry!" @

TBC~ heart

Note: Whoa... JaeJoong... Who does he remind you of? Hmmm... Let's see... Gee, I didn't think he was THAT kind of person!!!! Poor Yunho.. So confused from his own decision. And Yoochun sleeping in class? Maybe it'll be something like this:

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LAWL~ heart

User Comments: [2] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Aug 13, 2008 @ 05:22am
Lol. JaeJoong is so cool, in his own special ways.
And Junsu really doesn't seem like a nerd by his appearance. hehe.
Anyways, it's such a cute story! whee

commentCommented on: Thu Aug 14, 2008 @ 10:13pm
haha i like jaejoong and yunho in this part ^^

Community Member
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