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The Physical State of My Humiliation
He's Mine! Fanfic Update
I just thought of a name for my fanfic that I'm making. It's called, "He's Mine!" Haha, since I figured that they're fighting for each other, I was thinking about each of them yelling, "He's mine!!!!!!" and stuff so.. ^^;; If you have a different suggestion for the name of the fanfic, or you want to comment on my idea, please don't hesitate to post!

Kangin, a selfish and overly-confident actor just filmed a new movie with another actor, Heechul. Kangin starts to slowly fall for Heechul's funny and crazy personality. But Kangin's friend, Eeteuk who has been knowing Kangin since kids, has loved him for too long to let Kangin go with Heechul.

Eeteuk --> Kangin --> Heechul --> Kangin

When Kangin meets Heechul's littlest brother, Ryeowook, the brother starts to fall for Kangin's little brother, Sungmin. But, shocking enough, Yesung, Kangin's BODYGUARD, falls for Ryeowook, leading to a biiiiiig conflict.

Yesung --> Ryeowook --> Sungmin --> Ryeowook

The ending? It can be sort of obvious, but kinda ironic. You don't expect it to happen. And if you want to know how it ends, you gotta stick with it from the beginning!

P.S. This fanfic should be the biggest I make, because I'm going to attempt to add as much details as I can, and try out some new things I learned from my reading teacher! Wish me loads of luck! <33

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