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The Physical State of My Humiliation
My Love... A Stalker Part 2
February 30 2012 - Nervous

"I am now officially getting started to get more and more nervous. As I learn more and more about the life as a celebrity, I hear things. I see things. I feel things. I sense so many things and my spine gets a terrible chill down and back up. I hear movement in the air, even if there is no wind. I see things, even if they're not the objects blocking me. I feel feeling in my hands, even if there's nothing in them. Maybe I should visit someone for help. I think this singing solo thing is getting into my head... I'm going to go to bed early. Good nite ^^"

Donghae looks around cautiously as he enters his bedroom to go to rest. He seems to get dressed into comfortable clothes and lay on his bed peacefully and successfully. He covered up under his blue and green blanket, and slowly droned asleep. Asleep, asleep, asleep he went and droned into dreamland... Hmm.. Dreamland.. What a calm and peaceful place. Maybe I should... maybe..

He woke up slowly, laying down on a flower field, and slowly got up. He felt nothing but the feelings of glee and happiness, as he sat down and smelled the flowers. But, suddenly the touch of the flowers became painful to the touch, and he felt breath. Simple breath, running down his neck. Rather than unpleasant and uncomfortable, it seemed rather warm and soft, unlike the poisoned flowers painful to the touch...

He slurred slightly, waking him up halfway, and he was lying on his bed, however, he continued to feel the breath running down his neck, vibrating his back collar. Suddenly, a warm hand runs over his back, onto his shoulder. He looks back, gasping, shouting slightly. He saw nothing but pure darkness, and the window mysteriously opened. "Hmm.. I don't remember opening that window.. In fact, do I remember... anything..?" @

Part 3 Preview:

"donghae appears on an interview for a magazine making their next issue. however, he felt someone was right behind him, watching every word said, making sure its identity wasn't blown. but when he sees a fan that appears everywhere around him, he starts to realize that its not a ghost following him... he has a stalker..."

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Sugar Cocoa
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Apr 14, 2008 @ 02:15am
I love it!!! whee

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