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The Physical State of My Humiliation
My Love... A Stalker Part 1
February 26 2012 - My Debut as a Soloist

I have just finished a concert of mine and I think it went fine. Thousands of fans were out there, and I started to get nervous. My heart went boom boom, boom boom out loud and I thought things like, "What if I messed up? What if they booed me?" But it was all worth it when I got out there and did my best. And I think that was good enough. Well, I got an encore to do so, bye.

He clicked his black ink pen and automatically rushed out to do another concert for his loud roaring audience. Okay, just do your best and don't think about messing up and he ended his concert with a tremendous encore. 50 more points for the debuting Donghae he thought.


"Did you see the way I was doing all those moves? That was absolutely amazing!!" Donghae said, raising his hands in the air, sitting in the van with his makeup artist and his manager. "You also trembled at the finale." the manager said, pointing his chopsticks at him, while eating cup noodles. "What? There's no, 'Good job!' or 'Amazing concert'?" The manager slurped the spicy noodles into his mouth loudly, chewing loudly as well... "All I can say about it was mediocre. You wowed the audience, that's it. The lucky part is, they don't know what to expect, so they think the mistakes you made was part of your moves." Donghae rolled his eyes, and the manager continued. "But when you do it again, they will continue to think it looks weird, and you will go down very rapidly." the manager slurped another long noodle and Donghae nodded. But suddenly, he asked, "Do you know what's weird, hyung?" "What?" the manager asked, pausing and looking up with groups of noodles still hanging out of his mouth. "Heh," Donghae chuckled. "It seems like someone's watching me.. It just does.." the manager paused at the thought, and there was a big silence in the van. A little too silent.. @

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Apr 14, 2008 @ 12:56am
awesomie!!! cant wait for part 2!!! xD

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