so this is cool, i owe one of my friends so much! she is so awsome! so im writing a story that still doesnt have a name, but it's so cool! it's about this girl katherine who gets turned into a vampire by this vampire prince daniel. slowly katherine starts to fall in heart with daniel. then along comes daniel's evil half-brother ryan, who wants the thrown and to be king. he'll do anything to be king of the vampires even kill. so far i've only got to the part where katherine & daniel go see the king & emily(daniel's little sis), the king tells katherine that she'll make a perfect wife for daniel eek , then they head out to see the council, and that's as far as i've got. this little summary doesn't have all the details but it has the basics. so tell me what you think of it! wink
DustBunnieHailey · Fri Mar 14, 2008 @ 02:36am · 1 Comments |