Dear all my fablous readers! i've decided to have a art contest! I want you guys to draw any of the charaters so far in the story and send them to me! I want your fan art! I'll jugde the best and the winner will get a prize! So send me your fan art! let me see your vision of Daniel Katherine and all of the charaters! here's the entry form!
Username~ Charater~ Date~
Also put the name of the charater on there too! that way it's just easier! the name doesn't have to be big or anything but just put it somewhere on the page! Oh! and don't forget to sigh your work!!! The contest well end in sometime in May! So draw them and send them in!
Well i'm still working on chapter six but it's almost-ish done! so when it's done i'll post it out for everyone!
DustBunnieHailey · Sat Mar 28, 2009 @ 10:16pm · 1 Comments |