I haven't typed up a journal entry for a while! I guess I should type up one now...?
Well anyway, last Saturday was my birthday party! In the morning I was waiting forever for Christian and Brigitte to arrive, I even peeked through the doors peeker thing to see if they were coming. Each time I did that, they didn't come. Then they finally came and we went up into my room. We did boring stuff like sit there and be bored. Then Baka Anna came~! We all went to the basement. Shannon was ringing the doorbell over and over but no one answered. ((no one heard the bell being rung...o_O)) Then we went upstairs and tried to do some sexual harrassing. When Monica, Alyssa, and Many came, we all went to the park. It was fun...I guess? We went into a sewer, but the water was completely frozen and no one sank. After I opened presents Erica came...lol ;;; *skips off to the more interesting shtuff* We all went up to my room and played truth or dare. And a very DARING truth or dare at that. When I say daring, I mean very perverted! XP *not going to say what we did...wahaha....*
Now let me speak of what happened today!
Hmm...I've finally started painting the background of my Itachi picture.
In 3rd period I was used as a mailman...sending notes back and forth from John to Sarah. It was fun though because I got to whisper names...;D And "he" helped me with it too. ;D ((only my really close friends know who this "he" is...XD))
In math I got violated. While I was just sitting innocently, something goes and slaps my butt!!! O_O It was the dude sitting next to me which said it was an accident. Trust me, it definitley was NOT an accident. *won't say who it is...*
Science I was being all silent. I could've sworn I was going to laugh like crazy at one point, but I held it in. I really can't remember what was making me want to laugh.
History was oddly the oddful.
Hey have you guys noticed that the teachers today have been all stressed out? I mean, yeah, they're always stressed out, but didn't they seem MORE stressed out than usual? @_@
In focus, Tyler, Tiffany, and Xavier were asking me to draw pictures for them! I'm not going to draw them until I feel like drawing them...lol And plus, I'm kinda busy today. I am writing in the journal Anna bought for me before. I'm writing about what I think about my close friends. They will read it tommorow~ I probably won't finish though. So sorry if I don't!!! *goes off to finish writing*
Oh yeah! These sites are for TenTen! Show these to Itachi and Deidara for me, alright now Tenten? biggrin You guys can go to these if you want too...but your choice? biggrin ?
DeiIno ::http://kawaiibunnychan.deviantart.com/art/DeiIno-Present-for-You-76916916 NejiTen ::http://kawaiibunnychan.deviantart.com/art/NejiTen-What-s-going-on-76937618
