There’s a little black spot on the sun today
(That’s my soul up there)
It’s the same old thing as yesterday
(That’s my soul up there)
It’s the same old thing as yesterday
Standing at his window, he sighed, watching the gray skies pour down with rain. He watched as it hit the ground, running down everything it touched. His irises scanned his back yard- and the sea that was visible from the house. It was roaring with waves and high tide on the shore line; you could even see the foam spray coming up. But the sea wasn’t important. It was empty- un-whole. Sighing, he let his shirt
drop to the carpet, touching the cold window- the same temperature as his hands and whole body.
Nothing was warm.
Nothing could keep him warm; he had nothing to hold. It was painful.
Everyone else had “her”. Where was she? Where was she today? When would he bump into her again? There was the store, the mall, the street corner- and the book stand. Of course- the same thing happened almost all the time and she was the same about it.
FLASH BACK---------------------
“Hey!” she happily exclaimed, pointing at him, “I know you- you’re that stranger who I’m always bumping into!” she giggled, looking and smiling at him- even though it was raining. She seemed to bring the sun to him. A blush painted its way over his cheeks.
“You know- you’re always on my mind…” she admitted, slightly blushing. The man before her stood in shock as she bent down to pick up the book he wanted.
‘I…I’M on her mind?’ he asked himself- coming completely appalled.
“Are you getting this book?” she asked, turning curious magenta eyes his way. Again, she smiled and said “This is a good one- you’ll like it.” He only kept silent as she handed it back to him. Their hands touched, instantly flooding him with vanilla warmth.
There’s a king on his throne with his eyes torn out
Her innocence…
Her innocence in touch…gave me something I want.
Why were God- and everyone else not aware of what he wanted? Everyone had always wanted something from him- but he never got anything in return- but from her he did. A silent tear rolled it’s way down his face, falling to the floor that smelled of linen.
It never smelt of what he wanted:
Warm vanilla and sugar
He could have sworn to the high heavens that he had placed his eyes on a soft brown angel. Her hair came down to her shoulders in a wavy feel as it also covered her eyes. Her beautiful, beautiful eyes! So rich and exuberant with a vivid magenta; her lips were glossed with shine and her lashes were naturally long and curved.
His heart began to race as her soft, smooth honey voice said to him “I’m sorry …” She bowed her head slightly as she looked down as to what seemed to be in shame.
Inhaling, he could barely remember her warm scent, making him sadly smile that he had to wait to smell it again- to feel warm. And on such a cold day that warmth was needed.
Warmth from the heart.
There's a blind man looking for a shadow of doubt
‘Could I see her again…?’ He asked himself again. Why was that one meeting so…so hard on him? It was just one more ******** pretty woman in odd clothing with glasses, a curved body, good manners with a wonderful smell; she was no different.
What a big load of bull s**t that was; he was only trying to fool himself.
'Why don’t I have anyone?’ he asked. “Why don’t I have anyone…to keep me warm…?”
I’ve stood here before inside the pouring rain,
With the world running circles ‘round my brain
I guess it’s I’m always hoping that you’ll end this reign
But it’s my destiny to be the king of pain.
“You know…” she started, looking at him for only a second before she looked somewhere else.
“I think the man who wrote this- must have been very lonely…”
But it’s my destiny to be the king of pain.
Inspired by The Police's 'King of Pain'