His perspective
He, She, We
His face looked so cold at me, making my throat go dry. Those damn eyes narrowed in my direction; I had to hold back the tears that threatened to beat themselves out of my eyes. We said nothing to each other, even though I could tell we both hated each other. Honestly, I wonder if he would ever talk to me again.
We’re adults- he could just go on his merry way and live the rest of his life while leaving to dissolve away in the horrid memories of each other. Leaving me to solve all of our pains and sorrows. I…I think I ruined everything. He can go live with her for all I care.
Hands behind his back. Oh God- does he have a pistol?! Staring at me like I'm some alien stranger. Like he’s never seen me before. His gaze turns away, irises scanning the pale linoleum. On the edges, it was a sour yellow, and the stench of stale bread and fresh blood was awful.
He was trying awfully hard not to gag. I was too. But God I’ve never seen him look so cross. Not even at me…
Her hair, that ever so sugar soft, strawberry red hung heavy over her face, shielding her eyes, so dark and pit less. It was a mask over her cute, ever apparent freckles I love to stroke. There was no end to the despair I had to look upon; she wreaked of depression and suicide. Of stained tears that now were apart of her face.
All I can’t understand was…how could she get this way? Why did she get this way? Wouldn’t she come to me for help? Why did she get this way? Couldn’t she just trust me? I know her bank account was going downward and that they might take the kid away but…
I told her- yelled- that she could have loaned from me but…she slapped me, and all because I crossed over her bridge of dishonoring her, telling her free charity. Why won’t she accept my help?!
“I…I can explain. Really- I can…” she whispered and oh sweet Jesus it was like sandpaper on wood. Her eyes actually met with mine (can you believe that?), big, round and scared. Like a rabbit who met the fox. When she said that, it got me feeling so hot and steamed I would have sat down…
But I held onto the counter. She said it like it hurt to push the words out of her teeth. Her eyes came back to life as soon as I talked again, going all soft and funny like she wa going to cry.
I hated seeing her like this.
“What…what are you doing?!” Faster than ever, I sped over to her, grabbing her gushing wrist and slapping the dripping knife. As soon as I came in contact with the wound, I could feel the flaps flex back and forth against the mush of her skin as blood just fell out. The inside meat was a delicious pink I know would have made me thrown up if it had been a horror movie- wait. It is.
“S-Stop it!” she suddenly screamed, beginning to slap at me- anywhere. Trying to ri herself from me, I held like a stone until I yanked her right back, forcefully. She whimpered, holding her head down like a wounded animal.
“Ow…”He pulled my arm so tight I was sure he pulled something; and it sizzled with pain, feeling his dry skin within me, for blood was just coating his writs now. Not catching his gaze, and watching my blooding out of his white, enclosed knuckles around my wrist. My puny, pale wrist.
“Let me go,” I said, my voice growing stronger. Had I found a new strength? Or had I just not wanted him to see me like this? “I said let me go-”
“You think you can solve everything huh?!” he started, yelling so harshly as he hook me; I was facing the wrath of a God. “You think it’s just so God damn ******** simple that you could just run away like this?!”
“I wasn’t running away-” My lips where moving; he cut me off again. And the thought almost made me smile. He hadn’t changed, always getting a say in what he wants or thinks and never gives anyone a chance to speak.
“Then what do you call this?!” he accursedly yelled, pulling my wrist up in front of our faces. My eyes grew wide and before I knew it, blood was making a home on his new shirt he bought, for he had brought me close- just like his girl- and his God-I-forbid-say loving arms were holding me so close; I think he knew why.
I wasn’t gonna have her back if I had let go as she began to struggle. Oh God, what have I done?
Ugh…I really don’t know what I could do with this. Seriously- this was just random, right out of the blue during Physical Science. I hope…it was at least something worthwhile…