Just always gotta be like that
Prologue and Chapter one
I don’t know about you- but staring out the window (or in outer space for that matter) is probably one of my most favorite things to do. That- and a whole other big list of other things. Like people watching; it’s just that interesting. To see how people walk, talk, and act differently. Gosh- whoever knew culture could be so different, but yet the same.
Man, I wish I could be outside right now. The breeze swimming through my hair, the sun on my face as I sit on the grass- though it would most likely hurt my thighs. My sensitive thighs. And maybe I could play with the ants or watch the butterflies under a nice shady tree, watching that nice blue sky, with those white puffs of clouds-
“Miss Hayden!”
“Hm?” Gee- I wonder why everyone is sta- oh crap! Was I spacing out AGAIN?! Wasn’t Kira supposed to wake me up? I’m so gonna kill h-
“See? You’re not even paying attention NOW Miss Hayden. What WILL it take for you to listen?”
All I could do was give my teacher, Ms. Gardner, a weird stare; what was she talking about?
“What?” …seeing her reaction, I really don’t think that was the best answer ever…
“Ms. Kairi,” she started and boy, how embarrassing it was when everyone is just snickering. Stupid little devils. “I know that World Literature is not the most fascinating thing to some students- but could you have at least the decency to pay attention in my class?” My eyes were on Kira, glaring at him, for he looked like he was going to erupt from laughter.
“I-I’m sorry Ms. Gardner,” was my solemn reply, looking down at my desk. She took in a sigh of breath and went back to the front of the class room, her heels clicking behind her.
Okay, so here I am, paying attention for about a minute or so until this beautiful bird catches my eyes. Oh my gosh it’s so pretty; it’s about a light blue shade with a black beak and a white chest. From the looks of it- I think it’s a blue bird-
Did someone just throw something at me? Looking out the corner of my right eye, there’s a small paper wad, right next to my arm. Curious, I decided to pick it up-
Only to cause probably one of the best- and worst mistakes of my life…
Hum...just a small preview of my new fan fic for KH. Yeah- I do fan fics cause I get bored REAL easy...