If you can feel my beating heart for you, that’s all you’ll ever need to know I’m yours
By: Cristina Tindall
By: Cristina Tindall
Warm, soft rays hit the apartment of his home, splashing the white washed walls with warmth and making the living space more lively. Although the boyish habits of crude magazines, smelly clothes scattered in all corners of the room, and bottles of deodorant and axe lay amiss in his room, it-for once- felt right at home. Looking around as his eye lids fluttered open, revealing light green irises, he looked upon this mess, scratching his short curly black hair. ‘Man. This is one big mess I have to clean today,’ he thought to himself, before placing his hand in her brunette hair; it was splayed out against his chest, covering him and alas, keeping him warm. Their bodies were still tangled and joined under the sheets, giving the boy a shy smile to cross his lips.
‘And to think, I never thought I would ever see something so beautiful…’ His hand stroked her hair, pulling it out of her face as he leaned down to kiss her forehead.
Now- let’s take it back about…a month ago-
When our good friend could not see.
Now- let’s take it back about…a month ago-
When our good friend could not see.
“Josh!” she called, banging open his door. Sighing with exhaustion, she glared around the room, looking at the complete catastrophe that lay in here- and the culprit that lay astray on his unmade bed. He was sprawled out; she watched him for a moment, his breaths coming out even as his back rose and declined with each one he took. She smiled for a second, forgetting that his doctor had ordered him not to sleep before 8:45 p.m. And she was here to make sure of that.
“Josh, you get your lazy butt off that bed you hear me?!” she wasn’t mad. In fact, you could hear the laughter in her voice. The male named Josh smiled into his pillow, liking that his plan was going into play. She groaned, going over to the side of his bed; he could hear the clicks of her favorite black pumps coming closer to his bed, since the floor in his room was polished oak wood. She placed a hand on his back, shaking him a little.
Standing over him for a moment, she placed a finger on her lip.
“Well if my name isn’t Laura…He really is asleep!” Laura remarked, leaning down closer to his face. Before she knew it, Josh had sprung up from his spot, pushing himself atop of Laura and pinned her to the floor. His eyes were fully open, showing off his green eyes which Laura smiled up at.
He could feel her smile, taking a finger to her polished lips.
“You’re wearing your favorite lip gloss again- aren’t you Laura?” he asked, leaning down next to her ear and whispering to her. It immediately sent shivers down her spine, feeling his manly soft lips caress her skin on her neck. “Caramel Apple. And you know it’s my favorite.” He lightly growled in a suggestive manner, making his girlfriend laugh as she tried in vain to get free.
“Why yes I am Mr. Rock,” she replied, kissing his cheek. “Roll on over and go collect some other moss.” Trying to push him off only brought him to her lips. She, of course, kissed him back, softly gasping as his hands placed themselves under her dress uniform of a short black skirt, a white dress shirt with a black vest, her black pumps, and small fishnet tights. “God your hands are cold!” she squealed, coming from him and smiling lightly.
“Yeah- and your hands are warm….” Josh took a hand to his face, holding himself up with his other elbow, and brought one of Laura’s hands to his face, cupping it. He closed his blind eyes, feeling the soft warmth that radiated from her skin. Laura watched in silence as he felt her hand. Her smile vanished, sharing a silent moment with him, as his eyes opened.
He could not see. Not her, or her soft hand. But yet he could feel- and if Science told her right, after loosing one of your senses, your other ones got extremely strong. His hands were his eyes, as he quickly traced a frown that was on her lips.
“Why so sad Laura?” he asked, taking the fingers in her hand that he held and ran them across his own smile. “You can see that I’m happy.”
“I-I’m not sad….just thoughtful,” she lied, turning her head away. He could hear the soft THUMP on the floor, indicating that she was lying. Indeed she was sad that he could not see. “I just wonder what more could I do for you sometimes.”
Josh was taken back by that comment. Hadn’t she done enough for him? Being with him- for one- was far more than enough. And when she found out at first when he was blind, she had stayed with him. That was far beyond more than she needed to do for him in her life. He nuzzled her face, giving her soft kisses on her cheek.
“You don’t have to do anything more,” he hoarsely whispered. The couple sat there in the comfortable silence of each other. Just enough to hear him breathe over her, Laura was satisfied. Her hands encircled him as she rubbed his shoulders.
“You’ve been working out again,” she started, pulling back as she looked up at him. He grinned and shrugged.
“Yeah- what guy doesn’t work out?” he asked, kissing her again on the lips. This kiss was slightly longer, as Josh held Laura closer. Her hands were running through his hair, curly and pure black, as his hands ran down her thighs and up her skirt. Laura abruptly came out of their passionate kiss, using a more scolding tone.
“Uh no. We are not starting this; have you had dinner yet?” She groaned because Josh shook his head no. Sitting them both up, Laura placed a hand on his chest, gave him a quick kiss on the nape of his neck, and got up before Josh could do anything. Dropping his hands from the air, in which he thought he was holding her, he got up, touching the wall and door slightly as he went, down the small hallway to the kitchen; his ears picked up the clanks and clonks of pots and pans moving around.
“I already started the dishwasher,” she started, coming over to him. Taking his hand, she led him over to the oven, placing his fingers on the first dial of the three. “When this goes off,” she started, mimicking the turning motion with his hand (hers was on top of his to direct him), “and if I’m not over here, could you please turn off the meat loaf for me?” Josh nodded, turning his head to the clock.
“I’m guessing…two more minutes?” he asked, looking back at her direction. Placing a hand out, he only felt air. ‘I guess she went to her room already,’ he thought, going to the refrigerator. Opening it, he read the brail sticker labels that Laura had so kindly placed for him on the bottles of liquids. The thought of Laura made him smile softly.
Her soft skin, always smelling like roses. Laura’s hair was like cashmere, soft and luxurious- for she always washed it every Sunday of the new week and her hair smelled of honey and vanilla. ‘God if only I could see,’ he thought to himself, frowning as he pulled out the orange juice. Opening the cabinet, he pulled out a glass, pouring in some. Laura had taught him to do these things, helping him out with whatever she could. Some days, he could tell, she was tired, exhausted, always catering to him.
That was going to change.
Taking a whiff in the air, smelling the “delicious” aroma of the meat loaf Laura was cooking, his nose cringed at the awful scent.
“Even blind I can still cook better than you; I know something’s burning,” he replied, calling down to her. Josh could hear her scoff and imagined her rolling her eyes.
“The day you cook something good is the day when pigs fly!” she called back, laughing at her own remark. She smiled as he retorted back.
“That- my dear- is something we will always be blind at.”
Like always, the couple would joke about things that he or both would not ever see in their lifetime. But, Laura never knew if it was hurting Josh or not. Sometimes, he would smile and laugh about it. Other days….he would simply frown and pretend like he never heard her; she could see the sorrow in his eyes and she never liked it.
“Hey Josh,” she asked him, as her head lay on his lap. They were watching the rain outside the window, listening to it patter down the panes and slither down the drains of the whole apartment complex. A relaxed smile was upon Josh’s face as his fingers stroked Laura’s hair. She smiled, holding his other hand and caressing his knuckles.
“Do you remember…do you remember what it was like to see?” She lifted herself off of his lap-still holding onto his hand. His facial features turned into a thinking statement as he sat there, his head tilted upwards, as he thought for a moment. Laura looked upon him; since his sunglasses were on, she could not see his eyes. But his black curly hair always reminded her of the black sheep in that old fairytale.
“Well see- I’m like…I’m like Annie from the Helen Keller story; I’ve had a ton of surgeries and I’m not deaf like Helen,” he added. Laura couldn’t hear him when he uttered ‘Thank God,’ to himself. “I was born with sight. But it was taken away from me because I was severely sick. But I’m sure with another operation I’ll be ok…” She never expected his movements to be so fast as his hand cupped her cheek while he nuzzled her.
“When I get to see you, I think I’ll really be seeing for the first time,” he replied, kissing her temple. Laura sighed, pulling him into a hug. The couple sat there for a while with comfortable silence around them. Laura was blushing madly in his chest, thanking the Lord herself that Josh could not see it. Believe it or not, Josh was the perfect guy: smart, friendly, funny, kind, sincere, sexy, modest, and pure. His fingers trailed her lips; ‘She’s smiling,’ Josh indicated to himself.
“What would you say…if I was getting an operation sometime soon?” he asked, taking her fingers and tracing them around his smile; he had always done this because Laura wanted to know how to feel a person’s facial features. Laura gasped, backing away for a second. “Laura?”
“Josh,” she whispered, looking out the slide door windows, then back to him. “Are you serious?” He nodded whilst turning his head to the sound of her voice. It was completely full of concern and worry. But he still grinned, hoping that would liven the mood a little.
“Yes I am- next week,” he began to explain. Josh made his way off the couch- Laura came to assist him immediately as she led him to the calendar. His smile just grew; Laura watched, worry in her eyes but excitement in her heart as she watched his fingers trail over the brail calendar. “On the twenty fifth-”
“This coming Thursday?” Laura questioned.
“Precisely,” Josh nodded.
“Isn’t that a bit soon?” she asked, taking his hand in hers. Josh shook his head, his smile going soft.
“This Thursday, I will be having surgery to cure my eyes once and for all- I’ve told you that I’ve already had a lot of them right?” She nodded, shuddering at the thought of so many surgeries already in his young life. “Well, I did some math- and if I’m right- my surgery will take place on the twenty fifth. I’ll stay in there for about three weeks…”
“A month?” Laura asked, her tone barely audible. “What will you be doing in a hospital for a whole month?”
Josh shrugged.
“Healing, resting, training my eyes and therapy. That’s only if this whole thing works- w-which is should,” he added, noticing the hard nervous grip on his hand. “Anyways-
“After those three weeks, when I get released, that should be the day of your birthday…March the twenty third…” He turned to her, pulling her in close. “I hope you just got the message…”
“Josh,” Laura whimpered, knowing exactly why he chose this. Tears spilled out her eyes as she held him close, her small frame within his bigger, more athletic form. “Oh my God are you doing this for…for…” she didn’t even have to finish.
“Think of it as a birthday present,” he replied, kissing the top of her head. A sort of seriousness came on his tongue as he held onto Laura’s shoulder. “I’m tired of living like this. Everyday I have to make up what life looks like.
“Sure I can use my ears and my voice and ask people what’s going on; learns things by memorization and smells. But it’s not the same when I have to have my other senses being my eyes. Besides I….I…” he didn’t finish. Josh was grateful that the stove went off.
I shall continue on but…I figured you could view a little portion of it. :3