I'm going to bring Nana-chan's present tommorow~!
I know what I'm going to get for Karin-chan and Mai-chan now~!
Who reads my journal entries?
It somehow weird to know that at least 12 people read my journal.
I know Mai, Pervy, Karin, Nana, and Amieku read my journal.
But who else? O_o
Today in L.A. I ignored
him the whole time.
I know he was looking at me, because I could feel it.
Or I could partially see him looking at me...XD
When class was over I walked away really fast.
He seemed like he was going to tell me something.
I felt kind of bad after that, though I couldn't see his face,
I felt a sadening aura from him.
I gave a big sigh when I left the room.
Theisen stared at me weirdly. XDD
I'm coloring Miyuki's picture~!
Which is taking a long time, I only finished coloring her head, now I'm starting on the body...
You ruined everything for yourself...
I can't believe you...D=
Wow...Nothing really interesting happened today.
Well in the morning, I wanted to put on mascara.
Which I usually only wear on Fridays.
My mom found out about it, and she got pissed.
She told me my face was already beautiful and I wouldn't have to put on makeup til I'm 25.
WTF!? TIL I'M 25!?!?!?!? PSSHHH...YEAH RIGHT!!!
Now I can't make my eyelashes all, wooey~!
Today at lunch, I think Raito was stabbing an apple.
He was like doing the apple with a fork.
So then I poured milk all over it to make it look more real.
That was funny.
I wrote a story about Roxas and Raito.
I'm posting it on Fanfiction.net.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3952498/1/I think that's all the interesting things that happened today.
So tata now~!