Yesterday night I had an akward dream. It was a mix with Kingdom Hearts and The Legend of Zelda. Kairi was the main charcter. Sora gets lost, and Kairi tries to go look for him. Most of you don't even know what The Legend of Zelda is so I won't bother explaining the rest of my dream.
I submitted a new picture on DeviantART! Click here to see it: http://kawaiibunnychan.deviantart.com/art/LXMisa-71655210 It's a LXMisa picture~! Leave a comment please?
I'm listening to Final Fantasy X background music right now.
My stupid printer doesn't work! Why doesn't it work!? It makes me super mad, I feel like stabbing it to death.
Oh yeah I'm supposed to name my computer and stuff. You know what? I'm not going to even think about it. I'm going to give names right from the top of my head. The top? Did that make sense? Probably didn't... Well anyways... My monitor will be - Tobi My computer will be - Deidara ((They work together. Sometimes they disagree...)) My printer will be - Sasuke ((He's so emo, that I have to kill him to death to make him work...=_=)) My scanner will be - L ((He's so technological, I can't understand him sometimes. After a while, I understand him though. =D)) My microphone - Takashi/Mori-senpai ((He's so quiet I have to talk for him.)) My speakers - Axel ((He blares out awesome music for me, sometimes too quiet, and sometimes too loud. When he's quiet it's probably because he wants to see Roxas lots.))
Wow, that was more names then I expected for myself to give. Well okay, they weren't random, I had to think of reasons to give them these names. sweatdrop
Oh yes, I'm sorry Miyuki, Nana-chan. Yesterday, my moods changed quickly. It went from Happy, Mad, to Sad. I'm so sorry I did that to you guys. I love you all. The pain will never go away. The only thing that can cover the pain just a little, are my friends and family. I want to thank you guys so much. *hugglation* heart
That sounded like a speech...o_o
Just so you're not confused... December 10th, I'll be really sad. It was the day that my dad...
I'm gonna goes now! Byebye! =D
