Hello everyone~!
Today when I went to my piano lessons, my teacher started to talk about a recital. I have one more song to finish in my first book! =D Well, yeah. I'm going to invite my close friends. Anna, Baka Anna, Brigitte, and Shannon. These are my closest friends, and also Monica, Alyssa, Mandy, and Jessica. I shall invite you all to my recital, and we shall all have fun! I have to wear my korean dress though.... It's white and pink, and it's too colorful. But my mom is going to MAKE me wear it!!! I am kind of nervous about this. I'm afraid that when I start playing songs on the piano I'll make mistakes. Yeah, and my mom is going to make eggrolls. Sensei is going to make something sweet and yummy. And of course, there'll be drinks! *sigh* This whole recital seems so big, I think I'll get really nervous... But, root for me! ((If any friends here who are reading this and want to come to my recital, you're welcome to ask.))
Something tragic to me is coming soon. And only my close friends know what it is.
Christmas time is coming! The time where we all give presents to one another and become joyfully happy! For all of my good friends, I am going to draw pictures for all of you! I'll try my best to color the pictures too! I'll try my best to put all my heart into every single one of them!!! I promise! I just need to know what you'd like me to draw for you! Thank you~!
I think this is all I'm going to say for today! Thank you all~!
