Since Nana and Miyu have made their "Hot Anime Guys List"...
I shall make one too! ((These are all at the moment...I'm sure it'll change overtime...o_o))
*I didn't mean to put Kadaj third...It's too complicated to explain*
*~My Hot Anime Guys~*
1. L ((Death Note))
2. Itachi ((Naruto))
3. Kadaj ((Final Fantasy VII Advent Children))
4. -All of the Akatsuki- ((Naruto))
5. Deidara ((Naruto))
6. Gaara ((Naruto))
7. Axel ((Kingdom Hearts))
8. Kurogane ((Tsubasa))
9. Fay ((Tsubasa))
10. Hikaru ((Ouran High School Host Club))
11. Renji ((Bleach))
12. Reno ((Final Fantasy VII))
13. Rabi ((D. Gray-Man))
14. Hatsuharu ((Fruits Basket))
15. Seiya ((Sailor Stars))
There are my top 15 hottest anime guys!!! Yeah, you might be going, "WTF!? Kurgone? When did that happen?" To be honest I have more of a liking to Kurogane then Fay, but the pairing KuroSaku would be very very very odd. So that's why I really like FaySaku because it makes more sense and it's cute~!
Yeah, and maybe you might be thinking, "Why isn't Gaara higher up in the list!?" Again to be honest, I'm not that turned on by Gaara anymore...o_o I think it's because the Akatsuki-ness took over. But I'll still love Gaara for ever more!!!
I'm incredibly turned on by L right now...XDDD And Itachi's just like, "Whew the hottness..." And I love all of the Akatsuki members...even the scary ones. I may not act like I like Kisame, Zetsu, Kakuzu, etc. But I seriously do. I just hide it, but I'm not really turned on by them o_o
Now I shall put my
*~Oh So Cute Boys~*
1. Tobi ((Naruto))
2. L ((Death Note))
3. Al ((Full Metal Alchemist))
4. Tamaki ((Ouran High School Host Club))
5. Roxas ((Kingdom Hearts))
I know some of them were in my "Hot Guys" list, but they're cute too~! ^_^ Roxas is cute to me because I go "Awwwwz" not "IS IT GETTING HOT IN HERE!?". So yeah, and the same with Tamaki and Al.
I love them all~!
heart They're all my bishies~!
3nodding I'm going to put another journal entry to talk about my day. This one was just for fun XD;;;