Woah that's weird.
In my last journal entry only 2 people read it.
Usually over 7 people read one of my journal entries...o_o
Should I feel sad about that? Nah, I won't.
There's people out there who are more ignored than I am so why should I be sad?
Then why should I be sad about things I'm sad about because other people have it worse than me?
Okay, I should stop talking about that or it'll make me sad.
Well anyway, are pancakes or waffles sexier?
Me and Mai-chan had so much fun asking that question to random people.
xd Yeah I'm like in a blank moment at the moment.
Right now I'm stuck between Naruto and Death Note, but I'm not obsessed with either of them at the moment. I'm like totally blank...But I think I'll become obsessed with something soon.
You know whenever I see Gaara and Sakura stand next to each other I go,
I'm such a fangirl.
But not a Sasuke fangirl.
Sasuke fangirls annoy me...o_o
A lot.
That's why I got happy when Sakura wasn't as fangirlyish over Sasuke.
YapYap! I guess that's it for today!