Okay... I just wanna let you know that even if I don't warn you ahead of time and I'm not on, I'm always thinking of you, nonstop... hour after hour, minute after minute... I thought about you so much last night, laying in bed, that I started crying... I don't even know why... just sitting there... I started quietly crying...
I'll warn you for the next 2 months... I prolly won't be on for a lot of Saturdays... we have Choir Practice at 9 and other stuff at 11 - 12... we have church every day for 60 days, starting sometime... forgot exactly when but it's coming up... I hate it!!!
I wish I lived by you... I wish I could be by you every day... and I pray to God that you and me are both able to go to this convention... if we're not able to go, bad things might happen and I'm afraid... crying
Some certain people are really excited for me that I might be able to see you so soon... and when I think about it, I get excited... my cousin Sammi Jo ((3 in my top)) is really excited... and she always asks me about it...
Sorry about this 60 D R... I don't wanna do it but it's gotta happen and I'm gettin' a tad bit depressed over it... and me thinking about you ((and crying??? neutral )) makes me feel happy and depressed at the same time... I'm so happy, it's depressing???
I have no idea... but I'll stop now... if I think of more, I'll come back...
Brittney Beloved TM · Fri Jul 06, 2007 @ 08:23pm · 52 Comments |