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The Physical State of My Humiliation
No Subject
no this entry is way different from the no title entries because this has no weird question answers question format. instead this entry is just called the no subject entry because i just cant think of something that could name what i want to talk about today (and that is nothing). wells how are you doing today? i have decreased the speed of my typing and instead i am increasing my grammical errors and they are really getting on my nerves because i type so fast that i dont even know that i type the backspace to erase my errors.. lol that is fast dont you think so? everyone at least must notice what they are doing unless they are in extreme pain or that theyre numb. i am not both of them its just the speed that just gets on my nerves. but most of the people say that i am lucky because they cant even see my fingers as i type. its all just but a blur. why is my head crooked as i type. that is really uncomfortable.. there im done. great. now my back just hurts. you know how most journal entries are really short? well i like to make mine long so that i can get on yo nerves! lol jk jk i just do that because i just like to type. especially about sungmin.. sigh such a cutey guy sungmin. hes even cuter if met in person. yea i have met him in person but i dont wanna brag about it and then other fans would start to get jelous and then come after me.. lol so i dont wanna spoil the fun. are you a morning type of person or night? i think im mostly a night kind of person because that is when mostly i use the computer. hehehehe well i have a show to watch really soon but not that soon. i may need to wait at least 28 more minutes until then. well i think that should be enough reading for you guys for now. hehehehe oh yea before i leave, have any of you guys ever flirted with your own family member (i.e. cousins, aunts, uncles, etc)? i have a ton of times.. and honestly im quite good at that.. has anyone stroke your hair before that you felt was really comfortable? i havent the only time i have been stroked is when my grandpa treats me like a puppy dog. dang he strokes hard! and it is not funny! its mean... !@#$%^&* bye everyone~~ heart

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