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The Physical State of My Humiliation
i am a little bored
i am a little bored right now and i wish that there was a camera right next to me for some reason. but im not that much of a fan in photography. im mostly into choreography and singing and.. stuff like that. entertainment, stage, music, dance steps, ddr, and a whole lot more stuff that could just get me on my feet! but i dont have a ddr and im not famous (for now..).. if i had a ddr then i know wat i could be doing instead of doing the computer each and every day. but everyone is like no i cant buy it for you because it is too expensive. well if i become famous theyll resay those words in a different fashion. lolz im just kidding wells anyways if i become famous then i would buy my own ddr machine and then i could dance all night. you know those big ones? i want those not the mat ones because they have bad sensitivity. it seems like it has no sensitivity at all! well i want to talk to someone but most of them are not online so i have nothing to. ouchies my neck hurts. i want to go shopping really badly and i want to sell stuff too. my grandpa is keep eavesdropping on what i am saying but good thing is, that he cant read english because.. well hes korean thats why. the problem with my family is: that theyre live an urban type of person. for you you wouldnt think that it isnt much of a big deal. but if you are the suburban type of person and you came back from the city just to meet your old style country family, then thats when trouble begins because sadly, you dont feel fit in. sure you were borned from the same urban family on the olden days but since your older you understand more things and then you start to think omg this family is not my type of living! but i have to get along with them because i have to live in the urban place for one more month. that stinks.. but there's a good side to it. my friend came over to my cousin's house one day and then she saw my oldest cousin (i think hes age 16 or something) she says that he is really cute. cough cough for a person who lives in the city, she likes urban guys. lol well my fingers are getting numb from all this typing. bye bye~~~ heart

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