The Update, to end all Updates! |
God I just read over my journal, what a crazy idea I had writing entries drunk, and making fun of fashion designers...and that rpg...man that crashed and burned fast. I actually beleived the idiot running the place wasn't as big of an idiot as he was..
Anyways, as for WoW, don't really play all that often, got Warcraft 3 (being the ums whore I am from Broodwar, the addition of heros makes them that much better) and so now I'm playing a lot of Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne.
However, that Gnome mage (y'know, the one you were supposed to ignore) is on Shattered Hand, easily my most played character at lvl 24. (Go figure), and I deleted a bunch, I beleive I still have my Nathrezim Horde Hunter, and my Paladin on Bleeding Hollow. I know have a preist of Scarlet Crusade, and a similiar, if not clone, on another server, along with a druid I had for awhile, that was recently deleted, poor guy, was kinda cute as far as those hideous male night elves go. (Seriously, it's like a crime what they did to the Male Night Elf community)
anyways, probably the soon to be, most substancial addition to my journal entries, the favourites list.. (wooooo)
Current Favourite Anime: Berserk! (A classic, revived by my wallet!) Favourite Webcomic: Inverloch http://seraph-inn.com/viewcomic.php?page=1 Favourite PC Game: Warcraft 3, Frozen Throne (Saw that coming I bet) Favourite Flash Movie: Genryu's Blade, DVD Style Flash Favourite Flash Music Video: Everyone else has had more Sex than me Favourite Flash Trailer: Element Trailer Favourite Flash Game: Onslaught Favourite Flash Series: XIN (mainly Chapter 2) Favourite Flash Comedy: X-Men Death Becomes Them/Dark Pheonix Rising Favourite Flash Violence: Madness Depridation Favourite Flash Stick Style: Yin Yang, Battle of Legend parts 1&2 Favourite Flash Sprite Movie/Series: Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom 1-4 Favourite Flash Graphics Quality: Genryu's Blade, Once again.
(As a side note, links to any and all flash listed above can be provided upon request through pm)
Favourite Console Games; PS2 : Dynasty Warriors 4 Empires (strategy makes it more appealing) PSOne: Street Fighter Alpha 3 GBA SP: Final Fantasy 1 & 2 Dawn of Souls (I'm in a classics mood) GameCube: Resident Evil 4 (So awsome, still, seriously, go buy it) Xbox: Halo 2 (Playing in LAN parties with my friends, using my trusty ps2 controller, FEAR ME!) Sega Genesis: Golden Axe (It's a shiny axe of gold) Sega Master System: Spy vs Spy (Fun 2 player killing spree of thievery) Nintendo 64: Mario Kart 64/GoldenEye 007 (Multiplayer owns, still) Nintendo: Final Fantasy (It's even better with cheesy graphics) Game Gear: Sonic the Hedgehog (Rings...need more, rings) Virtua Boy: Mario Tennis (only one I ever tried, won't play another, ever) Snes: Super Punch Out!! (Boxing at its finest, simple, anime-ish, and fun) Gameboy: Tetris (Classic, challenging, never gets old, 3 songs, awesome)
HunterX57 · Fri Apr 01, 2005 @ 11:17am · 0 Comments |