Hooray got World of Warcraft...like...sometime after christams (there was some complications with Best Buy so I had to wait awhile before we finnaly got it working) Proud owner of a lvl 17 paladin, a lvl 17 Hunter, lvl 8 Preistess, lvl 9 Rogue, and a little gnome mage that lvl 8.
I play Horde on the server Nathrezim with my Hunter, and my Paladin is on Bleeding Hollow (Alliance), my Mage is on...er...some..server I don't use..so forget him...Preistess is on Lightnings Blade(Elf/Alliance), and my Rogue is on Darkspear (elf/Alliance).
If any WoW players see this, and happen to be on the same server, don't hesitate to talk to me, most of my WoW characters are nicer than I am, hahaha.
Ah well.
NEW Favourite Anime: Full Metal Panic Favourite Webcomic: Dominic Deegan Favourite PC Game: Starcraft Broodwar Favourite Console Games; PS2 : Dynasty Warriors 4 Extreme Legends PSOne: Street Fighter Alpha 3 GBA SP: Shining Soul II GameCube: Resident Evil 4 (So awsome) Xbox: Bruce Lee: Enter the Dragon(name might be off, haven't played Xbox in ages) Sega Genesis: Golden Axe Sega Master System: Spy vs Spy Nintendo 64: Mario Kart 64/GoldenEye 007 (Multiplayer owns) Nintendo: Final Fantasy Game Gear: Sonic the Hedgehog Virtua Boy: Mario Tennis (only one I ever tried) Snes: Super Punch Out!! Gameboy: Tetris
HunterX57 · Thu Jan 27, 2005 @ 11:04pm · 0 Comments |