Okay! This is EDITED. ALL OF IT. |3 She needed some revamping anyway. Bwahaha. o3o
~ Basic Information ~
Name: Kitsune Summers Prefferd Name(s): Kit, Kitty, Red, Ichigo(Strawberry) Age: 15 Born: September 22nd 1991 Height: 5'5 Personality: Is on a constant sugar high. Smiling, bouncing, singing, screaming, twirling etc. etc. Once put into a rotten mood, she is on an equivilant of three rabid dogs x2. It is highley recommend all people within a 15 meter radius leave her alone. When very depressed, it is best to stick around and make her happy. Or at least try. Over all she can be considered bi-polar.
She enjoys annoying people to no end, it's a hobby of hers. She also has a tendancy to be a bit of a flirt. (If she feels like it.) Race: Half Demon- Fox breed. Habits: Gnaws on her fingers when nervous.
~ Appearance ~
Hair: Firetruck Red. Eyes: Shimmering Green. Skin Colour: Pale. (Skin burns instead of tans.) Body Type: Slightly curvacious but scrawny. Weight: Unknown. Extras: Four Tattoo's. Two on the small of her back, being a Red Gecko wrapped around a black top hat. And Two other's being on her wrists. (Right Wrist: Prayer, Left Wrist: 51678. (Bar code number.)) She has pericings on her ears. Three silver hoop peircings on the left. And Two hoops and four studs on the right.
Has a tendancy to wear excessive jewlery at times. Has a black choker around her neck to.
~ Animal Form ~
She's the same size of a regular fox, she cannot grow in size. Her fur is a copper-red colour. Her paws go from black into the copper coloured fur. Her ears are pointed and flop at times. Her muzzle is white with a black nose. She still has her earings in on her ears. Her ears and tail have white tips on them, her tail's bushy and fluffy.
Winter coat is when she goes all white. Nothing to special. (Heh.)
~ Humanish Demonish Appearance ~
Still the same as her human form. Minor changes being the fact she has her ears showing and her tail. She has sharper canines and claws too.
~ Weaponry ~
She preffers to use whatever is in reach really. She is talented in hand-to-hand combat. She uses swords sometimes too, she's not very skilled with them but she can defend herself. She preffers to use guns, prefferably shot guns.
She also has the ability of shadows. She can walk through objects, though if there's glass, she can't go through it. And some metals she can't go through.
~ Family Status ~
Mother: Alive, location unknown. Name: Marie Summers, Age: unknown. Father: Deceased. Name: Kane Ivanov, Age: unkown. Older Brother: Alive, location unknown. Name: Koichi Summers, Age: 27. Older Brother(2): Alive, location unkown. Name: Josh Summers, Age: 25. Adopted Brother: Alive, location varies (Sometimes Russia or Japan.) Name: Tala Ivanov. Older Sister: Alive, location unkown. Name: Ren Summers, Age: 23.
~ Likes and Dislikes ~
Likes: Sugary Sweets of any kind. Vodka, Shiny things, Music, Frying Pans, Dancing, Converse, Anything that can keep her entertained really. Dislikes: To many things to name. Pink, Spiders, Dresses, Girly-fying herself, Her mother, Marie Anne Montclaire (her sworn rival.). Many things.
~ Past and Currently ~
When she was little, her father and herself had ended up in a terrible car wreck. Her father died saving her. Her mother later, became distraught and crazy. And ended up hating her daughter, sending her to a place in Russia called the Abbey. Here, Kitsune was experiment on and turned into a 'vessel'. Kitsune is now being host to a demon known as Suzume Kushaku. If Suzume is released from Kitsune's mind, Earth's destruction soon follows. She is a ticking time bomb basically. Now when all that happend, she had later returned to her mother. In which, she recalls being shoved out of a window by her mother. Kitsune landed on a car, having lost a bit of her memory.
Her siblings had long ago left her parents, wanting to strive for themselves. Now throughout all of this, Kitsune and her siblings all took on the name of their mother rather than their fathers. The adopted brother however, is actually a cousin of Kitsune's family. And he, had been in the same place (the abbey) as Kitsune for all of his life mostly as well. Now throught all of this, Kitsune has gone to many places to avoid her mother as much as she can. She has had many adventures. Over all.
Her life, is ******** but has it's perks.
Right then. >.o This is revamped to the best of my ability. o3o; Eheheh
MableFable · Thu May 03, 2007 @ 01:25pm · 4 Comments |