WOOT!!! Im so close to meeting me dream avi >.< ...I just need to find out where I can get that damn fox tail and ears *glooooom*.It's SO not fun having to wait dammit!!!! EVERYTHINGS BLOODY EXSPENSIVE *faints*,I dont think i'll have any more money when I get them all dammit >.< but I do have the hair and shoes *cheesy grin*.
But it still sucks for the fact that I want 'em so bad then....KAPUT!!! ALL MY MONEYS GOOOOOOONE!!! T.T I need a better way of making money on here *gloom*,but thanks to my pals I CAN reach my goal!!! *strikes dramatic pose* heeheehee.Deathclaw178 is a BIG help teehee! 3nodding .Nyahahaha....ugh i feel crappy today crying
Problems: 1.Had to clean the house 2.Lost most of my money for shoes 3.I have no bloody clue how I have this huge scratch on my arm and 4. I GO TO SCHOOL SOOOOOON!!!!!!! *sob*
Anyway enough of my problems.....Nodody reads this bloody journal anyway!!! T.T I dont see why I even bother to type all of this stuff in iiiiiit!!! WAAAH! *burst into tears* ,but I would feel grateful if you DID post something *puppy dog eyes* pweety pwease?,It'll make me feel better!! >.< it really would though,seriously.Also I have a pretty diamond ring from my grandma for an early birthday present heeheehee...so shiny *sparkly eyes*
Well ta ta for now!! *waves*
MableFable~~ ninja
MableFable · Wed Aug 23, 2006 @ 10:18pm · 3 Comments |