Well Aloha peoples who read this!. It's almost Halloween! >.< X3 *squee!* all the candy you can get for one whole night!!! ITS TEH BEST!!! WOOT!...But I like Christmas the most because of the snow and no school! *grins* heh heh heh. I was so happy to have actually alot of snow when I went up to Muskoka Woods for three days ;.; to bad it was only three....SO MUCH SNOW! >.< *sigh* so little time... Bah to heck with it,over the past couple of months i've been getitng less sleep thanks to my stupid bed T-T''''''' and also from my cat! ^^;;;;;;
Most people would call me crazy,high,phsyco,hyper or over reactive...in which this case...I am!!! well....im not high or anything it's only the "crazy,phsyco,hyper and over reactive" ones...^^;; >.>;; its true!! >.<;; ...T-T may as well not say this to all of you evil,cold hearted minds! *crosses arms* ah well,not my fault XP *shrugs* this is pretty much all I wanted to say to people.'Cause alot of the people on here barely listen! >.< .*sigh* I guess it's all for the best >.> .I really wanan go to Anime Norht over the march break but I have to keep my grades good! and pass all my test's or I shall not go! *wallows in misery* crying oh noes...oh noes...!! Mwa ha ha ha,but I shall..so that way I can go have fun ...>.> hee hee hee... It's supposed to be SUPER huge building...I have a feeling i'll get lost eek ..but then I might live there...OOKYAH!!!! 3nodding Sure I might have to live of cafeteria food and somehow get my excerise by running all over the place like a million times and junk...>.> but still! XD I wanna go so badly!! X3 but I also have to save up alot of money for my FMA costume I want really badly...*gloom*...AND for spending money...and maybe a ticket...=.= oh gees i'll need to save up ALOT of money...=.= *shrugs* you have to earn it if ya wnat it I suppose...basically yeah....XD
If you do have any questions ...please PM me and i'll reply as soon as possible! XD and the person with the best question will get it posted on here! (I have no idea why im doing this >.>''''') along with my awnser to the question as well..^^ so go on and ask meh a question!! ^^ i'll be waitin' for 'em XD
MableFable · Sun Oct 15, 2006 @ 03:32pm · 0 Comments |