Woot! it's almsot Christmas time! weeee!! *dances for joy* oh how I love CHristams time!! the snow...the presents....the snow!!. Yes,I have a thing for snow so what? who doesnt like snow? I mean...COME ON,it's easy to build forts out of,it's easy to throw at people (prefferably siblings ;D). But I still feel bad for the kids who dont get very mkuch snow...*sigh* it's so ironic! crying ...but now that I think about it...I havent gotten that much snow lately either...NUUUU!!! CURSES TO GLOBAL WARMING!!! *waves fist*.
Seriously....I hate this global warming..and its our effing faults!! YEESH!!...ANYWAY, moving away from that topic..I HAVE MY X-MAS TREE UP!!! *joy joy joy* it has all the purty ornaments on it and stuffs!! XD weeee!! X3. But to me I think the best X-MAS gift i could EVER get would be seeing my good friend Twisie,even if it would be on the day I die it would still mean a lot to me since I love her lots *grins* yes cheesy I know but thats how much I luv her! X3.
Wells,since im bored to tears...what can I say? *shrugs* Ah well...see ya whenevr people!! ^^
MableFable · Wed Dec 13, 2006 @ 10:29pm · 0 Comments |