Sooo...I'm bored and want to give AMVs some recognition. So I decided to review all the AMVs in my music folder. It should be fun. Read on. Tell me whacha think.
I have Five different folders into which I put AMVs. Ranging from highest quality to lowest is
Awesomely Kickass
Almost but not quite Kickass
Between Meh and Kickass
Really Strange, Trippy AMVs
is filled with, well, strange and trippy AMVs. The ones that would cause dissent among the other, "normal" AMVs.
The Awesomely Kickass Folder is filled with the best amvs I've ever come across, beginning with my discovery of in early 2004.Over this time my naivete in judging has unfolded into an experienced eye that would undoubtedly relegate summada AK AMVs to a lower folder.
The Almost but not Quite Kickass folder was, at the beginning, a deposit for those AMVs that didn't quite make it to five stars, due to whatever flaws I found in them. In the past year, though, the AK folder has closed, and all awesome AMVs have been relegated to this folder, effectively rendering the AK folder one of nostalgia.
The Between Meh and Kickass Folder was named such at the beginning, when there was a Meh Folder for all the crappy amvs I ever made the mistake of downloading. Realization of my miniscule hard drive a while ago prompted me to delete a folder that, indeed, I never even looked at. The BMK folder is fulled with AMVs that are fun to watch, but not that fun. Perhaps the song doesn't fit the scenes, or I just don't like the anime even though it fits perfectly. Whatever the reason, this is the folder for the so-sos.
This folder, the AMV Folder, is for AMVs that I don't want cluttering up my music folder. It is a simply a repository for the unremarkable AMvs.
The most unique and oft visited folder is the Really Strange, Trippy one. It is here that the wierd AMVs, the outcasts, are tossed.
Together, these five folders make up my entire collection of AMvs.
As in fanfics, amvs seem to have fluctuating trends of skill level and quantity.
Escaflowne boasts an usual amount of "epic" fanfics, or fanfics that range up into forty chapters, detailing life far after the anime ends.
Gundam wing fanfics are mostly yaoi.
In AMVs I've also noticed trends establish themselves
Revolutionary Girl: Utena has a goodly amount of four star AMVs.
Azumanga Daioh and Hitler can be used synonomously.
Dragonball Z=Linkin Park
To ease my boredom I'm going to write review for every single one of my amvs, and post them up on youtube, then to my profile. Updates will be sporadic, as is my humor, but once a week will be the bare minimum.
Everyone has different criteria for judging something. That's why ther'er different types of music and video games. Some people can't explain why they ust love that song, or that game. I am one of them. Sorry. Don't expect much in the way of explanations, though I'll try my damndest. I'm just not that good at saying why I like something. Anyways. The first one's coming up tonight. Watch for it.