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pro= good. So procrastination must be a good thing, right?



I've another all-nighter to pull and no one to blame it on but myself. Stupid century project. Isn't it enough knowing that I did it, without forcing me to type out 14 pages of words while there's an awesome pr0n doujin I could be reading instead? Damn you for your compelling plot and oh-so-subtly suggested relationships, Sunrise, damn you! And while we're at it, damn Hideaki Anno, Shigeru mayo-something or other, and all the fanshippers with the talent to pull something beautiful out of a whisper. You all suck.

Edit: 12:30, and I'm a page and a half done. *wince* ANd hungry. And I hate this stupidkeyboard. MERR.

*giggles laughs menacingly.
yeah it's not working...
<img src="http://stat.rumandmonkey.com/tests/6/5/4856/19098.jpg" title="Chibi Seme" alt="Chibi Seme" border="0" />You are the seme in disguise. Able to fit in and get along with uke and seme alike, you are able to get close to the uke on their level before exerting your dominance. This makes you at times manipulative and able to fool others about your true seme nature. Because of your harmless appearance, it takes the flamboyantly gay Flaming Uke to really bring out your aggressive side and expose you for the seme that you are.

...So I'm like, the seme ninja....

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Mar 05, 2007 @ 06:21am
No, you suck, miss NOTHING; who managed to exploit my rules despite your overwhelming load of a pointless project.
May the compelling plot and oh-so-subtly suggested relationships taunt and mock and torture you so!

*issues a gentlemen's challenge via glove slap*

Good day to you, sir! *departs in a huff*

commentCommented on: Mon Mar 05, 2007 @ 08:37am
The scathing scorn in your voice cannot hide the obvious concern you have for my well-being. I thank you, kind sir, for your brace encouragement and uplifting words. Though it will be along, uphill battle, I feel somehow bolstered, knowing that you wll stand behind me the entire way.

Take heart; I go to do battle with the beast, yet I will go satisfied if only your lovely, smiling visage will see me off. And I will gladly take your offered glove; See, here, I place it by my heart. Perhaps your love will protect me in the coming battles.

And a day to you, my love, my only, staunch supporter in all that I do. I bid thee a teary fare-thee-well, and ride off into the blazing sunset, confident that when I return, weary and downtrodden, yet victorious, that you will be waiting here for my return, with eyes glistening. *rides off heroically into the sunset*

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Mar 06, 2007 @ 12:18am

May your venture be a prosperous and enlightening engagement, and may you fair well against any who may deter your efforts...

*watches the glorious departure with a nod and...a.....*

...Chibi Seme?.....Suits you...

((The current Pope was probably against it...<--My thoughts on the matter. And it's rare for you to be the one missing in the ranks. "Sick" today, hm?))

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