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I can't sing. I can't dance. But I play a mean jig-saw.

Y'know Gaia jig-saw? That godsend of a game?

It is my whore, and I pimp it out daily. 3nodding

To myself. 3nodding

Analyze that as you will.

Anyways. I've done all the puzzles on the insane difficulty at least two times each, except for the classified one which was a horror even on the hard difficulty level, and I swore to myself the pleasure at the end wouldn't be worth the pain of completing a puzzle that bad.

So I shoved my awareness of it deep down to a dark corner of my mind (past where Drataia hides when Testament is horny and single) and ignored it when I checked the puzzles every day because deep down inside is an optimist waiting to break free.

But I didn't forget. Everytime I passed by it in favor of a different, more enjoyable puzzle a glint appeared in my eye, and much likethe fisher who swears to himself that he will one day catch "the one", I swore to myself Iwould one day complete the puzzle.

But guess what.

It's not there anymore.

Aye, tis vanished.

Thus number four of my new years resolutions flies out the window.

And I have nothing to do.

Hmm. I really wrote this for no particular reason and now find myself without means of a proper endiing.

On a side note, I recently discovered how to do the line through words thing on here. LOOKZORS!


Ok. A parting image for you all. That I didn't draw.
User Image

This is Testament Bonaparte, male form. I apologize in advance for any butchering of Testaments actual personalitys, mannerisms, characteristcis, etc.
Testament Is A Western European Mutt.
He might have a cat.
His eyes are black, and his hair is sapphire(lookit up on Wiki. You think sapphire is all light and sparkly, but it ain't.)
He's probably tall.
The water is driving him insane.
He has a mother complex. !Hail Freud!


Edit: On a completely random side note, I think I'm ruining my knees by sitting crosslegged all the time. Opinions, anyone?

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jan 13, 2007 @ 08:03pm
Yay! A mother complex!

You'll have joint problems later on in life. L00Z3R!

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 13, 2007 @ 10:25pm
Awww, you're the only person who ever comments. 3nodding

Now who's the loozer?

Community Member
User Comments: [2] [add]
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