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Roleplaying and how I kinda hate Barton Town
Ok, so I've been searchin for a decent literate roleplay fo quite a while now, and to be honest, I'm very discouraged.Gaia is filled to the metaphorical brim with slave/vampire threads, populated by those who apparently skipped grades2-12, and the subsuquent grammar lessons. I do realize there are a few shining beams of leet roleplayers, but they are the few lighthouses amidst a dark and stormy sea...of, like...bad roleplayers.....yeah...And it annoys me, as I've spent the entire day looking for that special thread. Granted, I am kinda picky, tho...or maybe my lucks just really bad. So after trying to talk myself out of it for two hours in the shower (ah, showers...>D) I decided to make a roleplaying thread. Dammit. I really hate making threads too. Curse you, GAIA! Curse youuuu *fade out*

You can ignore the rest of this post. It's just brainstorming

-Urban, set in the city
-Walled off, lower/upper class(Jak 2)
-near future, vaguely futuristic weapons
-*sigh* vampires and goddamn werewolves allowed, but no f-in demons
-set around a whatever company
-some event happened that causes life to be mix of old/new(think dark angel)
-need to buy stool.
-accepts out of thread commisons?
-needs baddies
-there should be a bar....and KITTENS!!!!ZOMHFGyGRKFYFKU.......................lol

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Oct 09, 2006 @ 03:44am
Gimme the link and I'm there!^^(<---One of said "those who apparently skipped grades 2-12" people)

...But I'm learning!^^;;;

commentCommented on: Mon Oct 09, 2006 @ 10:17pm
Naw, you're pretty good. 3nodding

Community Member
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