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The Insane Asylum
My little journal about my random life. Enter if you dare.
Football and tennis. What a combo.
I think it was a little too much to ask for the Cleveland Browns to have a decent year. Honestly. They had a chance to win against the Saints, and they let it get intercepted. Oi vay.

At least the Bengals and the Buckeyes both won. And saying that the Bengals won is saying something. XD Because we don't usually win. Next week, the Bengals play the Browns. I think I can infer who's gonna win that one. -_- 'Cause the Browns honestly suck. *sigh*

I can't wait for tonight's Sunday Night Football game, where the Manning brothers play against each other. That one's gonna be good, I hope.

Roger Federer won his 3rd straight US Open tonight. It was kind of mixed feelings for me. I like Federer, but I wanted Andy Roddick, the American, to win it. Oh well. It was well fought. ♥

This ends Skye's football rant/"I do TOO like football, Mom!"/tennis post.


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