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The Insane Asylum
My little journal about my random life. Enter if you dare.
Please don't worry about me everyone.
Hey everyone. I'd say 'good morning', but it's hardly been that for me.

This is basically to let everyone know to not worry about me if I'm not online for a while.

I don't think I'd mentioned it before, but Daddy had gone back into the hospital the other day. They thought he only had pneumonia. Well...That may not have been the case.

This morning, Sunday, July 24, 2005, at about 1 AM, my father passed away. He was 61 years old. My mom came to tell me at about 4 AM.

My only request right now is that please, everyone, keep my family and I in your thoughts and prayers. We definitely need it right now.

I thank you all in advance, and I love you all. Don't worry about me, I'll get through it somehow, though I don't quite know how yet. Just please, keep me in your thoughts and prayers...

So...This is me saying ja ne for now, I look forward to seeing you all when I get back online.

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